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goaztecs's Comments - Page 392

2014, It's a Wrap: GOTY

Posted on 01/13/2015 at 12:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

One of the positives about being so far behind on blogs is right now I'm reading everyone's Game of the Year votes and they are all different. I don't think I've touched a Wolfenstein game since the old ones on the PC but since my FPS dizzy spell problems are not as bad I would give this game a shot. 

New Year right around the corner!

Posted on 01/13/2015 at 12:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm just catching up on my blogs and I am sorry about your situation. I wish you nothing but the best for 2015. That is a tough situation you are in but taking it one day at a time sounds like the best plan.

As to answer your quesiton, I think my resolutions are the same: excercise more, listen to more music, finish my games and so far I'm doing two out of three. I need to jump back into walking around the neighborhood especially now since the weather is nice. 

The After Christmas Recap Sponsored By Quick Hits With Chris

Posted on 01/13/2015 at 12:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't watch a lot of Netflix and usually its either right before I go to sleep, or when nothing is on. HoC makes the membership worth it. That show is so good. 

The After Christmas Recap Sponsored By Quick Hits With Chris

Posted on 01/13/2015 at 12:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Sounds like the man in red was good to you this year!

The After Christmas Recap Sponsored By Quick Hits With Chris

Posted on 01/13/2015 at 12:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That was a lot of pig. I was talking to my uncle yesterday and he said that was enough food for a much bigger party. Next year I'll get my order in early and get a smaller one.

Yeah hacking sucks. It is a pain getting everything straightened out, and the it happened right after the whole Home Depot thing where I had to pay attention to my card. Thank goodness I got a call that it was trying to be used in England. Pain in the ass!

The After Christmas Recap Sponsored By Quick Hits With Chris

Posted on 01/13/2015 at 12:20 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Holy cow House of Cards is so FREAKING good! I watched Season 2 over the weekend and hot damn! I'll most likely talk about it this Friday but after reading HoC Reddit page I missed so much I might have to watch it again.

3k is way too many games. I need to start taking pictures because that's going to be my start to Blog A Day this year. I saw LotR was free but I didn't jump on it.

New Year's Retro Weekend

Posted on 01/13/2015 at 12:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh Resident Evil. I remember that version because I bought it on payday in college and didn't like it. I lost my original copy but I did find the longbox of the original Resident Evil years later so at least I have that.

Finished Limbo, bought Shovel Knight, reading again

Posted on 01/13/2015 at 12:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Since I started up my PS+ membership I should finish Limbo, considering I'm on a mini roll with taking down games from Mount Backlog. Love the IGN Walkthroughs especially for some of the things I was stuck on in the Lego games.

I should check out Fault In Our Stars especially since I like Shailene Woodley. 

Another Game Off Mount Backlog!

Posted on 01/12/2015 at 02:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Haha I usually save my non game stuff for Friday. I'm not bitter about the catch, the zebras always make bad calls. Sometimes they go in your favor, sometimes they don't. I'm not going to be like folks who think the Cowboys were gifted a non call in the Detroit game (get over it Detriot Lions) 

I got Smash Bros and Amiibos for Xmas? What do I need to know about the game?

Posted on 01/08/2015 at 11:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I heard some horror stories about the quality of the Ambiios but some of them look really cool from what I've seen. If I was a collector I would probably get those and the Pop Figures. 

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