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Super Step's Comments - Page 394

BaD 2017.10: e3 bound.

Posted on 02/14/2017 at 12:06 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Glad you liked seeing exactly the same movies as i did on the same days lol. I live HPB as well. How was Xander Cage btw? I was 12 or something when the first one came out and was interested but bad reviews kept me away.

Congrats on E3! I'd love to go, but as Cary said probably sold out and as you said i can get trailers at home. Video games live on the other hand I'd be willing to get in line for.

BaD #9 - And they said video games would never help me in life!

Posted on 02/14/2017 at 12:01 AM | Filed Under Blogs

See i am really good at Tetris because it's 2D, but my spatial awareness has never been great, so i still bag my own groceries like a caveman.

I first learned of that bagging rule in L.A. in 2014, and Dallas enacted the same thing shortly thereafter. I get it, and would likely support it, but it's annoying when you're not aware of that law or forget change. One reason i could never live in L.A. is everywhere requires cash and they don't believe in splitting checks for groups in restaurants.

Well that was a weird, unrelated rant. Anyway, congrats on being the responsible one! Tends to be a gamer ...

Confessions of a Metal Slime Junkie

Posted on 02/13/2017 at 11:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah that .. Would be an easy fix to my problem.

BaD: Project ShitStorm

Posted on 02/13/2017 at 11:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Next thing you know I'll be doing kinky stuff so much it becomes a comic book character! I.e. wonder woman


Posted on 02/13/2017 at 08:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I hope you find work, but the for honor beta is free if you're looking for online multiplayer.

Confessions of a Metal Slime Junkie

Posted on 02/13/2017 at 08:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

If only the treadmills at my local planet fitness had netflix...

BaD: Project ShitStorm

Posted on 02/13/2017 at 07:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Project Androgyna? Like Mass Effect: Andromeda, but with more Dionysian androgyny? 

Ha! I am a pro-fess-or! (But really I haven't read much at all on Dionysus since high school). 

Did I win? Did I sound smart, but in a precocious or pretentious way with an air of superiority about me? 

BaD: Project ShitStorm

Posted on 02/13/2017 at 07:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, usually I like the Marvel movies better, but the fact the first Thor is fresh on Rottentomatoes and Suicide Squad is in the 30s or something extreme is BS. I consider them both 60% kinda movies. Not great, but decent for a popcorn viewing. 

Both of those options are good ones. JW2 has a bit too much dialog in the start for my taste, but it ramps up quite a bit when it finally gets going. And once I learned why there was all that dialogue, I wasn't mad, though I probably would FF a bit at home still. The kids will love Lego Batman and there'll be some jokes for you, especially if you ever watched 60s Batman.

BaD: Project ShitStorm

Posted on 02/13/2017 at 05:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yes, and they are glorious. Just run that thing through a machine and bam! Instant grading of multiple choice tests and or items.

Suicide Squad was just ok, so by no means am I saying anyone should run out and see it if they're not interested.

I honestly don't know. I think so?

Have fun!

John Wick was a sleeper hit, not a major blockbuster, so it doesn't mean you live under a rock. I felt the same way when Transporter 2 came out ... and then Jason Statham became famous. Keanu Reeves was already famous before John Wick, so maybe that makes a difference. Who knows?

BaD: Project ShitStorm

Posted on 02/13/2017 at 03:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

In this one, you can kinda tell some of the backgrounds are pre-rendered, but I thought the character animations added to the humor.

Project F Volcano sounds fun, to be honest ... 

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