I really liked the 3DS Lego City Undercover game, and I hear the Wii U game was even better.
I really liked the 3DS Lego City Undercover game, and I hear the Wii U game was even better.
I bought a Fire Emblem game for my GameCube and never got around to playing it. I won't be getting this one, as I don't have an i-anything.
I love the Beach Boys. And yeah, it's because they have such great, tight harmonies and their music is just fun to listen to.
I don't do the rental thing because my mood changes about what I want to play too quickly, and it's just easier for me if I have a library to choose from. But I can certainly see where it would be a better choice for someone who would actually jumpp in and play a game from start to finish when they got it.
Ahem - Myst and Riven. Do game puzzles get harder than those?
Sorry for your loss, Pete. We'll be here when you get back.
You just made me squee. I've really been enjoying the anime, so I might have to hunt these movies down.
And you don't have to post on weekends. Gabe and Alice set the rules for BaD back when it was just a challenge the two of them set for each other on 1up. They picked February because it was the shortest month and would give them a better chance of success.
Rise of the Tomb Raider is on my list to buy for my PS4.
Matt, you know how gunplay really isn't y thing, right? Well, I love the reboot to pieces and am looking forward to getting Rise at some point in the near future.
I had to give up collecting comics after I graduated from college for financial reasons and I just never got back into it, with the exception of the short-lived most recent Doc Savage series put out by (I think) DC. I still have all my old comics, though, including an almost unbroken seven year stretch of Daredevil comics from the mid 80s to the early 90s, including the Frank Miller ones.