I have Zelda now and picked up I am Setsuna so that I can play it on the go.
I have Zelda now and picked up I am Setsuna so that I can play it on the go.
Mario Kart in on my mind too. I have the Wii U version but I'm sure it would be great to play on the go.
Splatoon 2 is another idea. I didn't get Splatoon on the Wii U and I've always been interested in playing it.
I'd love to play Rare Replay but it would have to be released for PC or for another console. The former is possible but the latter is never going to happen.
You can turn off perma death in the newer games. In Echoes there's actually a feature that lets you rewind battles if you lose someone but sometime you have to rewind quite a few turns to get the character out of danger. Still perma death is no longer a problem.
Echoes if great! I bought a used copy based on what Julian said about it and I love it.
Twin Peaks is pretty much it for me other than X-Files which I'm currently on the 4th show of season 9. 14 more episodes and I can finally say I've seen every episode.
Go for it alchemist, says the guy who doesn't have one either. :)