Nice you got tickets, have fun!
Nice you got tickets, have fun!
I don't know if there is one. I do like some of the random flicks like Heartbreak Ridge, and Firefox, heck even the one where he's an old Secret Service guy was cool.
Oh these folks man, I tell ya, nothing but pains in the...I hope things worked out for you man, and the next blog is about the awesome car you got.
Good stuff man, its always a good feeling to be able to find something you want out in the wild.
Oh cool, like I mentioned in a reply there's shop opening up here that sells Frozen Custard so I'm going to give it a try.
After I read this blog, a day later I found out there is a frozen custard place opening up. I'll give it a try when it finally opens.
Its been awhile. I think I just cleared a water puzzle and I climbed up a tree, and I have no idea where to go next. I know I'm supposed to go up but after a certain point I get stuck. I might have to buy PS+ again just so I can complete it and move my Vita gamesaves off the cloud to my laptop.
It is such a fun game and if Fall of Cybertron is more of this, than I'm going to be happy.
That's cool about SHIELD. Everyone has their tastes in shows.
That movie looks so good especially with the big fight sequence with Hulk Buster vs the Hulk. I can't wait for the release of that film!
The metacritic scores are close 79 for fall, 76 for war, with both getting 8.4/8.5 from the users. If you liked Fall of Cybertron most likely you'll enjoy War for Cybertron. I'll pickup a copy of Fall once I play through War of Cybertron.