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Ranger1's Comments - Page 43

BaD 2017.3: youtube research.

Posted on 02/04/2017 at 08:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I would actually watch a youtube video that you did. I find most gaming youtube videos highly annoying, and I do have a very short attention span when it comes to sitting at my computer watching a video, but I think if it were someone I knew (well, at least on here) and respected, that might be a different story.

I'm really bad at BaD...

Posted on 02/04/2017 at 07:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well fine, be like that and move to the other side of the country! Just make sure you and Amy come visit before you move, OK?

BaD #3 - My PS4 impressions so far

Posted on 02/04/2017 at 07:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I play from my couch, and I have pets, so being plugged in can be a bit of a hassle. Beau's not as bad about blundering into the cable as poor, old, blind Bandit was, though. And the 360 headsets plug into the controllers, too.

BaD #3 - My PS4 impressions so far

Posted on 02/04/2017 at 07:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Never Alone is a very cool game. It was a collaboration between the game designers and a group of Inupiat (Eskimo) community members and elders as a way to connect the younger generation with traditional stories and culture. The whole game is in Inupiaq with English subtitles. Cary did a review of the game on GamerDad (maybe here, too?), so no need for me to rehash it for you. There were a few annoying spots where I had to switch from one character to the other quickly and resulted in several cheap deaths until I got the timing right. And it was a blast playing as the fox.

I did find the option to turn down the brightness, but it doesn't seem to really make a huge difference.

I Picked Up DQ VIII Today

Posted on 02/04/2017 at 07:00 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Doesn't it suck having to be an adult?

I want, but it will have to wait until I start getting steady paychecks from the park again (or someone ever decides to buy me cool gaming stuff for my birthday, which rarely happens).

BaD #3: A Day with Dragon Quest

Posted on 02/04/2017 at 06:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

They must have toned down the difficulty level from the original NES game, because that game was brutally tough. I have all the DQ games through IX, but I haven't played II or II yet. I have them for the NES, and I need to hook up my old CRT TV to play them.

I loved that game, though, even with the insane difficulty. It seemed like I spent all my time grinding for money to buy better equipment and then having to start all over again every time I moved to a different area.

Co-Op Highlights

Posted on 02/04/2017 at 06:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm usually a solo gamer, gaming is my way to get away from people, but with that said - 

I used to play a lot of games on my Genesis with my young cousins and even though most of them were solo games, we played "pass the controller" and everyone got a turn. I know that's not really what you meant, but it was still a kind of co-op.

I love racing games, whether they're serious or goofy, but only if I'm playing co-op. My brother and I spent a chunk of the 90s getting together at his house and gaming after Sunday dinner at our dad's. He and I also played a lot of games like Myst and Riven together because our brains look at things differently and between the two of us, we could usually figure out the puzzles.

The big co-op games for me have been on the PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles, though. LBP and LBP 2, Sonic All-Stars, Modnation Racers with GH, Kevin West, Tex, and Jonathan from 1up, as well as couch co-op with my friend Michael from next door. Also a bunch of Lego couch co-op with Michael. And my nephew and I used to play a hack-and-slash PSN dungeon crawler on the PS3, I can't remember the name right now, it was ridiculously difficult, but we had a lot of fun with it.

BaD 2017.2: tired of being the fat guy.

Posted on 02/04/2017 at 06:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Will power is great when you're not exhausted from depression. That was kinda how i ended up needing to lose that weight. Beau has been really good for me, in addition to having to walk him every day, he's such a sweet little happy-go-lucky goofball that it's hard to be down with him around. He does things to make me laugh, usually when he knows he's in trouble.

BaD 03: Day 3 Song 3 & Quick Hits: More Lego Dimensions And Headphones!

Posted on 02/04/2017 at 06:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

  I take it these are some sort of item for a game? Kinda out of the loop on some things these days.

BaD #2: A Day with SlamBots

Posted on 02/04/2017 at 06:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

And like James above, I, too, only have a flip phone.

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