Yes! A second chance at getting Guacamelee in a Humble Bundle. Woo hoo!
Yes! A second chance at getting Guacamelee in a Humble Bundle. Woo hoo!
Yeah, I agree. I had no beef to side-scrolling elements in themsekves. The problem was the Nintendo didn't quite nail the controls and battle system down, which was a rarity for them to get things like that wrong. But hey, sometimes that just comes with the territory of doing something different with the first sequel. I think they learned their lesson.
Hey dude, sorry to hear about the not-so-happy trails from Plus10damage. I'm even sorrier to hear about the struggle with depression. While I've been medically diagnosed or need meds to keep my head in order....I still get knocked around by feeling depressed on and off, and it sucks.
But there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. PixlBit is one of the brighter spots in my life. I'm happy to hear that you'll be around more frequently now that you're freed up to do so. I've also added you to my follow list so I can better keep up with your posts.
I bought Super Mario Galaxy probably over a year ago now, and still have yet to open the game. I will one of these days though.
I need to check out Man Seeking Woman. I saw Rick & Morty a time or two. Need to get more inthat show as well. Especially if you say it's good for Futurama fans because I looooove Futurama.
My sister told me that Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is a a good show, I just haven't gotten around to it on Netflix (trying to finish Daredevil first).
The wife and I always laugh almost to tears when Brookly Nine-Nine aired during the 1st season. I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't seen a singe episode of season 2. But I intend to though. It's an honestly funny show and I love that deadpan humor from Capt. Holt. Terry Crews is great in the show as well. He's my hero of former atheletes turned comedic actors.
Dude...My sister got the wife and I interested in Bob's Burgers back in the early episodes of season 1. I took my two episode to fully get into the show, but we haven't stopped since. Tina is my favorite character.
I need to read up on Mario Maker. I rmemeber hearing about it a few months ago, but I forgot the specifics.
Okay...being totallty honest here-- my eyes glazed over after reading about the Javascript implementation. This stuff just doesn't compute for me. But that's okay...that's why smart people like you make all the big bucks.
In any case, I can definitely tell that you and Chessa have been working pretty dang hard on Pixlcross. Can't wait for it to come out. I'll be there front and center.
Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed the review. Much like you, SMB was a huge part of the equation for me. Also had SMB Deluxe on the Game Boy Color. Pretty good remake. I wish I still had that game.
I just checked out video clips of Super Mario Bros. Crossover...wow what a game! I gotta play it!
Pengo, eh? I must have missed that one back in teh day. Probably because we had the Atari 7800, which I don't believe was backward compatible with 5200 games...yet is could 2600 games...strange. Anyway, the cool thing about the NES was that Super Mario Bros. wasn't always the game that drew people to the system.
I can definitely see how other games like Zelda and Mega Man might attract a person to it more than Mario. I wish I still had Little Nemo. Also, I'm checking out the link you shared. Wow! I've got to ge tthis on my iPad!
NIce. Hope you can that HDD up and running.