I'll try to mix it up a little. Variety is the spice of life and all that. I have a bunch of more characters to unlock so i'll see if anyone really interesting to me unlocks
I'll try to mix it up a little. Variety is the spice of life and all that. I have a bunch of more characters to unlock so i'll see if anyone really interesting to me unlocks
Yeah it's a decent game but unapologetically tough
The wife and I went a bit overboard this weekend and finished it in two sittings between Friday and Saturday night, Very good show. Kevin Spacey is amazing.
Congrats reaching the half way point! The rest of the way is all downhill
I just hold the screen really close I like these pick up and play games much more on the Vita. I'm not sure i'd have the patience to keep losing this quickly on the PS3 and having to restart. I generally go for longer game sessions on the home consoles.
For the 3DS sales dropping 30%, are you referring to just hardware or game sales too? Surely the 3DS must be seeing something of a market saturation at this stage.
I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to come on here and share this very important event in your life. I only wish that there was something we could do to help. I can't pretend that I know how you're feeling as I have never lost someone so entrenched in my life as your Grandfather was to yours. I can tell though that he obviously meant a great deal to you from your writing. You can at least be happy with the fact that you were able to share this close connection with him and thus his memory lives on. I'm not sure what else to say except I hope you feel better over the weekend.
I've only played an hour or so of New Vegas but i've read that the writing in NW is superior but the glitches at release let it down. I think for the most part the glitches have been cleared up so you should be good to go. It's selling pretty cheap now which is a plus