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NintendoFanJon's Comments - Page 44

Defending The Nintendo & Sega Sonic Deal

Posted on 12/22/2014 at 11:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

yeah Lost World gets a bad rap I think and it's compared to Galaxy a lot which I feel is unfair. Galaxy is great and Sonic Lost World is fun too, but it takes more from Generations and Colors which I think is great, and it adds new things too. Some good, some bad. I also agree the cartoon is pretty good. I think the problem with Sonic Boom is that the game was supposed to tie in alongside it and that it was clearly rushed. 

Defending The Nintendo & Sega Sonic Deal

Posted on 12/22/2014 at 11:00 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's not that it sucks, well it does suck. However, there are far better Sonic games and far better platformer games. It's playable...I'll give it that.

Defending The Nintendo & Sega Sonic Deal

Posted on 12/22/2014 at 06:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You'd still be fine. I put 8-12 as the demographic because I''m not a demographic expert lol. I just know 6 is asking a bit much because it would be difficult for them and teenagers 13 or older would be bored or hate it lol.

Rayman Origins vs. Rayman Legends

Posted on 12/22/2014 at 10:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Both are great games, but Legends has the edge because it also features 60 remastered Origins levels in HD.

Toad's Top Five!

Posted on 12/14/2014 at 09:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm enjoying Captain Toad myself. The best part is playing some of the Super Mario 3D Worlds if you have the 3D World save file!

Game backlogs are a bad idea, and die all you trolls!

Posted on 12/14/2014 at 09:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

If you like Hotel Dusk you should definitely check out the sequel Last Window. I hear the DS isn't region locked.

Mario Maker: The Possibilities

Posted on 12/13/2014 at 09:20 AM | Filed Under Blogs

You know I think they can. Nintendo has been in this position before with the N64, and while it may not have been as severe as it is now I think it's because they have the games no one else does. Mario still is a great series, the fans are still there, etc. I believe that Nintendo has another 2-3 years depending how they integrate amiibo and whether or not they bring out a grand, hd mario galaxy esque game to end it on a high note. 

Nintendo has the oppurtunities available. Even with say a Fatal Frame 5 limited state release or Rodea: The Sky Soldier surprise. I mean we stll have things to work with. I like how they are expanding Mario titles without Mario. Stuff like Captain Toad and Yoshi's Woolly World could expand it. We also could still see a Metroid, F-Zero,  or even a Punch Out surprise. I mean they have enough to keep the ship from sinking I just don't know if they will. I do expect a new system from them in 2-3 years though.

Mario Maker: The Possibilities

Posted on 12/12/2014 at 09:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Nope it's not your imagination. 3RD party support is non existant on Wii U with hardly anyone developing for it save for maybe  a namco bandai title there or sega title here. Almost all third parties have jumped ship to the the other companies with Microsoft and Sony fighting over exclusives. The 3DS is better for third parties as the vita isn't going to take it over any time soon. and even with the mobile market the 3DS has the better hardware and is selling.

Mario Maker: The Possibilities

Posted on 12/12/2014 at 09:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I doubt it'll have what Little Big Planet had. I mean you can create a full fledged game in LBP.... I mean I would hope that Mario Maker becomes a thriving community of Mario fans and designers to be sharing levels, worlds, and crazy idea, but there's still that unknown factor.

Mario Maker: The Possibilities

Posted on 12/12/2014 at 09:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Definitely. I think there was always going to be that thought, which is why I liked the new trailer so much. It's like Nintendo knows lol

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