Should have said it early, but happy late birthday!
Should have said it early, but happy late birthday!
It's none of my business, but I think you should know by now about the homophobic policies of the owner of Chick-fil-a.... Then again, I don't live in the US.
On a less serious tone, I just put Time Splitters 2 and Future Perfect on a wishlist I created. I've played a demo of Future Perfect long ago and thought it was quite fun.
Honestly, i'm not surprised since making a 3D Zelda is though, especially on a single-year span.
Wait, did they just announced the succesor to the Wii U? Is it a rumour? Tell me more please.
Preach man. I'm only have a slight support and I acknowledge that there are shitty members (but which movement doesn't?), but I feel many, including on this very own site, either get the wrong ideas about the movement or thinks it's all about shitting on many people.
I seriously hope to get a New 3DS because I really do want to play this.
I would like a Sonic amiibo but I think it'll be hard since I think it's one of the rare ones.
On the contrary, i'm seeing the current next-gen catalogue to be pretty fine and it'll eventually get better. That said, the Wii U and PC have much more in terms of library, so I can understand your opinion on the PS4/Xbone, since they have a few interesting exclusives, but not much in anything else or what they have can be found on PC.
Heh, not worried about those issues with 3DS Xenoblade, it's a handheld port, not the second coming of Jesus.
I really do like World, but I feel like I should give it more time to fall in love with it. So far, Mario 3 is my favorite of the 2D series and pretty much my favorite NES game.
I've played the PS1 original and I remember liking it very much and being impressed by the 2.5D. I'm hoping to grab the Wii remake someday.