Sony seem to be doing really well last year, after the collossal failure of their launch last generation. They're focusing on games, they're supporting the little guys... I'm definitely buying one.
Sony seem to be doing really well last year, after the collossal failure of their launch last generation. They're focusing on games, they're supporting the little guys... I'm definitely buying one.
Seriously, this is going to hurt them a lot. How much money did they make off of Summer of Arcade? Um, are you forgetting Bastion, Braid, and Limbo? Fucking retards.
Fatal Frame 2 is a bit less clunky, but it's a shit ton scarier. Play at your own risk.
Yeah, I've heard it doesn't translate to a controller amazingly well, which is kind of bizarre. The aiming is fine with a mouse, although the stupid lock on mechanic is really annoying and I wish I could disable it.
I wasn't as big a gamer back then as I was now unfortunately, so I missed out on this amazing gem.
Same here lol. I used to think gun ownership was stupid here because I didn't properly look into it, so I've been guilty of it too. I think we all do it at some point.
I was going to tell her to play portal. Hopefully that would knock her off her high horse. I do agree with you, but I think anybody who looks in on anything they don't understand is really quick to criticise. Whether they're saying Anime is mindless junk for children, or that heavy metal is only for satan worshippers, the hate isn't just directed at us. Still, it's annoying.
I haven't seen it on 3DS, but seeing as this is just a HD Port, I'm guessing that game looked amazing on the 3DS.
From what I played I really wasn't impressed with the combat. The character creation is great though, very D&D
I'm not really a butt guy. Granted, if I see a nice one I won't complain, but I'm more of a frontal man. I prefer the bits on the front. That's where the boobs, vag, and most importantly, face. Seriously, I'd rather a girl have a pretty face than a perfect body. Ah well.
Also, I've already written enough about XBOX Dumb, so I won't really chime in. IF you do get a better pc... well, that'd just be super. Next generation I'll just upgrade this rig when needed and buy a PS4 when I have cash.