Congrats on the new side job at the newspaper.
On my end nothing new, just taking some pics for the next blog and reading through some random articles while eating breakfast.
Congrats on the new side job at the newspaper.
On my end nothing new, just taking some pics for the next blog and reading through some random articles while eating breakfast.
I know man, its all good.
Good tips!
Oh plenty of sleep. That is a good one!
Dude what is going on at your gyms if pick up games are dangerous? When I used to go it was all the guys who couldn't make the team, and the guys from other countries who tried the latest moves they saw on TV.
I had a different experience with Residential Life. It was a lot of fun, my residents were calm freshmen, and I worked the 12-4am shift at the desk which was my study time/holy shit I have a paper due at noon time.
Jump into the internets!!!
Yes...and YES!
I hate the stuff. That and Cup O Soup. Easily the worst things I've ever eaten in college.
Its one thing to mess with a company's security but when you start scares about people's safety, that's just wrong.
9/10...that means you skipped one of your classes
Ah, good to know. From what my news outlet (Twitter) made it sound like it was almost as bad as last time. If it was DoS then it isn't as bad. It still sucks but not like the great outage of PSN.
Nice a new PS3! I wish I would have backed up my info on my old PS3 as well, but oh well.
Dude that Sega Fishing is so much fun. My family would have fishing contests when we used to play it on the Dreamcast.