It was a total impulse buy for me when it came out, and I thought it was worth every penny. If you catch it on sale, grab it, because it's a steal.
It was a total impulse buy for me when it came out, and I thought it was worth every penny. If you catch it on sale, grab it, because it's a steal.
You just made my day, and I am quite humbled. I hope you enjoy our show, and never hesitate to give us feedback and suggestions. We're trying to make the show more interactive and fun for our listeners.
I haven't played it since launch month, but I agree. The game feels too slow, with a lot of animations that seem overwrought and take too long to spin off. So far I'm not super digging the roster, either.
I want I Am Setsuna too! And Darkest Dungeon, which I am patiently waiting for.
It's however you want to define it. For sure I have and will continue to pick games that I can say aren't the "best" games that year in terms of execution or quality, but something about it resonates with me. For these early Chrono Crossings I've had to look up what came out, but as we get to 2010 and beyond it becomes easier for me to remember off the top of my head what my favorite game was. I already knew what my 2010 pick was, but I went ahead and looked at the releases to remind myself what a great year.
Don't worry about Patrick. He's on a super pacifist kick lately and looks down on mindless fun these days. Bulletstorm rules.
You're in luck, we're recording, like, now!
It's been a rough time of it since my mom died, and I didn't plan my move very well, so I've spent a good three months or more this year dealing with packing and unpacking. But I also don't seem to find a lot of time to play these days. I'm 7 hours into Doom and have no idea when I'll finish it.
I realized this weekend that I haven't finished a single game this year.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing today. I just bought Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Bravely Second, and Stella Duel at the same time. Those last two are mainly to add to the collection before I can't find them anymore, but there are some great RPGs this year, and coming soon. I am interested in I am Setsuna, and there is an RPG based on the comic book Battle Chasers that is looking pretty good, too.
I found both pressers to be pretty great, but yeah, I enjoyed the Sony stuff more.