I should start looking at Amazon for filling holes in my gaming library. I'll try The Last of Us at some point...probably when the PS3 version drops in price.
I should start looking at Amazon for filling holes in my gaming library. I'll try The Last of Us at some point...probably when the PS3 version drops in price.
Yard Sales! That's the one thing that sucks around here. I'm envious of you folks who can find such crazy good deals at yard sales. My neighborhood tried having a yard sale day and there really wasn't anything good.
Shame you couldn't talk down Max Payne, but if it's a game you wanted and couldn't find, it's not a bad pickup.
The Miis you encounter can be used once, unless the game lets you "rent" them like Mii Force where if you didn't encounter Mii's you can rent them for 2 coins each. I think its Nintendo's way of forcing you to constantly walk around and be in contact with others (sneaky Nintendo trying to get us to walk around among other folks )
Let's see, this past weekend I was fighting off a sinus headache which sucked, but I managed to play a bunch of random games on the tablets, and I tinkered with the Nintendo Wii. Other than that nothing too exciting.
I kind of want to see Guardians, but I'm still iffy. I hear its good, so I might just check it out on Friday.
The Batman flick sounds interesting.
Heck yeah!
Mister Mosquito is such a quirky fun game. Easily one of the better PS2 games I bought. That should be brought to PSN so everyone else can try it.
Haha, powering up the sword is hilarious. I wonder if you do the samething on the PS3 version.
Just browsing is usually how I approach it. You find some cool stuff if you go in without a plan. I preordered Destiny as well!
I haven't fired it up yet. I downloaded it yesterday but I got caught up in some tablet games. I'll start it up tonight and report back.