Though I read this blog a few days ago, it has stuck with me. I have to say, it is very refreshing to read something so blunt and brutally honest.
Though I read this blog a few days ago, it has stuck with me. I have to say, it is very refreshing to read something so blunt and brutally honest.
I do wonder if Ubisoft has done any work on BG&E2 since that trailer. I know they said it's years off, but something tells me the HD version didn't sell the millions they were hoping for!
I have a few VHS tapes lying around so I occasionally get the urge to pick up a VCR. However, it would likely only collect dust beside other unused hardware of mine like my original Xbox or GBA!
I got Knights in the Nightmare because I enjoyed Riviera. I didn't get into it though because I just found the gameplay a little too... odd, I guess. Still not completely sure why, actually.
Halo Wars was my first and only RTS. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I can't see myself trying the genre again unless its another user-frendly franchise cross-over!
I think I know someone who had problems with one of the games in the GoW HD Collection, so you might not be alone. And yes, I rejoiced when Ico HD was announced. I could finally stop scouring ebay for a reasonably priced, used copy of the game!
I wonder how successful Ouya is. If it can find its place in Target, I'm sure it has had some success with casual gamers. After the $100 Vita TV was announced (even though it's not announced for North America yet) I can't see myself wanting one.
I used to pick up those Humble Bundles all the time. I've stopped though. Since I rarely play games on PC, I found every time my unused Steam library got bigger so did the hole inside me!
It is interesting how abundant SoTC on PS2 is compared to Ico. I'm pretty sure the game sold 1 million+ and I even remember seeing copies still in Walmart a few years ago.
I would have totally jumped on Retro Magazine a year ago. I'm avoiding Kickstarter like the plague now. At least until Double Fine Adventure is finally released.
I definitely get the OCD mentality with virtual money too. I have like 60 Microsoft Points left and all I can buy is like a useless wallpaper. So glad they are getting rid of those, but I doubt I'll even get an Xbox One anyway.
I actually liked HL1 better than 2 for the same reasons you like 2 better! I liked the rugged, old-school feel of the first game. The second game was really polished but it didn't have the boss fights and wonky platforming that I loved in the first game. I even enjoyed that final area in the game that so many people hate!
Yes, I do agree there more reasons to buy HD games than simply the graphical upgrade. I wish the industry would do more collections of older games regardless of whether they are in HD.
On the flipside, Wind Waker can be seen as a prime example of going too far for HD. Yes, it looks great and much better than most other rereleases but it is also the most expensive by far of all of them ($50 just for one game). And I have heard of several people who want to buy a Wii U just to play that game in HD!
I was actually under the assumption that most people who commented would have two copies of the same game. I'm surprised to see there's a few that just have that as a coincidence more than intentional though.
I'm also surprised it was SoTC that you didn't own out of those two games. I still remember trying to track down a cheap copy of Ico on PS2, failing, and soon after hearing about a hd rerelease!