MGSV is a very lengthy and mechanics focused game. Few people have really absorbed it all yet. Plus, our most frequent bloggers don't seem to be in the habit of talkign about newly released games much.
MGSV is a very lengthy and mechanics focused game. Few people have really absorbed it all yet. Plus, our most frequent bloggers don't seem to be in the habit of talkign about newly released games much.
I can't do the long quest list thing anymore. Most of them don't even qualify for the term "quest". Delivering a letter or bottle of wine to someone isn't a quest. Searching for the Tree of Life or the lost city of El Dorado are quests. Going halfway across Middle Earth to destroy the one ring of power is a quest. Lara Croft went on quests. Killing rats in a basement or goblins right outside town are not quests.
So I looked up some video to check this out. I didn't know you can use different graphical 'skin', I thought you were limited to SMB1 assets. That's fucking epic, as the kids say these days. This is a killer app now. I wonder what sales are looking like.
Part of it is because I think that Metal Gear was always stronger with a mixed approach then it was pure stealth. A combination of stealth and assault. I particularly like PP because you can fight and still get high ranking, which is the way it should be for this series imo.
I'm loving MGSV, but Thief 2 still holds the honor of best stealth game.The objectives are more varied than any stealth game since, it never betrays its core concept by letting you take an action game approach, still has the most fleshed out sound (can locate guard distance and position through audio alone, no need for wall hax) and shadow systems, intricate and ambitious spaces constructed by MIT graduates. Yeah, yeah opinions, but I think people are caught up in the moment right now, just like they get with every big game that comes out.
Honorable mention to Mark of the Ninja. A 2D stealth game that whoops most 3D ones.
I'm able to seperate execution from personal taste. I resolutely believe that somethings are just objectively poorly/well made according to well established standards of craft...but so what? I care about what is interesting to me, not what is most technically proficient. I get the feeling that some people want to be in some kind of taste "in crowd, " what with their appeals to consensus and flaunting how they play this 10/10 game or that. Also the attitude of "you're missing out if you haven't played _______ because it's the hot shit right now." That's not how I make my choices. E.g. I don't care if Fallout 4 will be more "significant" than Dragon Quest Heroes, I have my eye on the latter.
I'm keeping my eye on this game:
This proves that cinematic camera angles are a key part of the horror experience that Resident Evil in its ilk offered. Over the shoulder view can't compare, imo.
There is also Stasis, which was just released. It's being called the best adventure game in some time and receiving praise for its audio visual excellence (it's isometric, just so you know)
Apparently the PS3 version isn't coming to NA :(
Thief, BG2, Metal Gear Solid, Half Life, Starcraft, Ocarina of Time, and so on. A banner year across the board.
Did the publisher mention cross platform play for DQH? It's coming out for PS3 too.