I believe the Mayans predicted it and tried to end the world because of it.
I believe the Mayans predicted it and tried to end the world because of it.
I do a lot of bad singing or bad rapping with the PS3 version, why not bring that embarrassment to the 360.
The funny thing about Laser Disc is that long after that format died, in a movie class I took in college my prof actually used one.
I'm with you on the Destiny Bundle, but I'm going more for the White PS4. It isn't a requirement for me to have something that is a different color, but if it's available why now? If the local stores run out of pre orders, then I'll just stick with the normal black PS4.
I think I played this one but I'm not sure. It was either this or something similar on the PS2. In either case it looks like another one of those games I'd really like if things are going my way, or I'd accuse it of cheating if I was out of rhythm.
Beer, cheese, and now bee keeping. Keep this up and your next hobby will be an eatery with tasty items involving beer, cheese, and maybe honey. CONGRATS ON THE HOUSE! That sir is one heck of a pickup!
I'm out of the loop but I did see something about Camcom being open to being bought out. It'll be interesting to see which companies would jump at the chance to own it and use their characters in crossover games.
As for the comics, they look good, and that 60s Batman I would check out, mainly for the artwork and the hopes of a POW! BANG! being placed in there.
Thanks for the heads up. I just added the freebie game to my library on gog.
Yup I know you were kidding.
I forgot to mention that I knew he was from around there. I always joke with my friends about how a guy from Texas ended up playing soccer. The USMNT is going to surprise some people. USA! USA!
Wait there's an airplane mode? My cousins were holding out. I forgot to mention that they taught me the command to have my character fly so I spent some time doing that. They were not pleased
You know I've never tried to blog on a tablet. I probably could but I need to find some software to edit my pictures. I do love having the tablet when I'm on the couch. Funny thing is that I only use the laptop when I'm sitting at a table now.