Why do healers have to have such wimpy defense stats?
How is D3?
Why do healers have to have such wimpy defense stats?
How is D3?
Glad you finally found what is in my mind one of the best RPGs ever made. You think the fighting is hard, wait until you're juggling 3 or more girl friends all at the same time and you have to decide who to be with over Christmas. LOL,or trying to get the good ending.
In all seriousness it was a month after I finished the game before I could even look at another game. I knew nothing was going to come close.
Funny I thought it was The Genova Condition.
I always drive around with a spare healer in the trunk for just such an occasion. :)
Or in SMT games walk around with a pantload of beads. You thought I was about to die? Oops back to full health again and then use a revival leaf on the healer. Crisis averted
Sounds like a great idea. I mean folding Nintendo handhelds didn't come along until the GBA SP did they? I want an XL but I don't really use the 3D so is the 70 buck difference worth it?
I normally don't use the 3D unless it's absolutely a requirement to play a game which is usually isn't
Okay, this is what you're gonna do.
Buy an XL with
Fire Emblem Awakening
Soul Hackers. (a bit old school but I like it)
Tales Of The Abyss
Super Mario 3D Land
and a whole bunch of other stuff already listed here plus stuff I didn't list because 10 hours of work and several beers are making me forget.
I should try to get back to Ni No Kuni at some point. I got as far as a section that has you controlling 2 characters at once. One with the left stick and one with the right. You have to avoid holes while moving across a path and the path is falling away behind you.
Not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time, I was unsuccessful 5 times then I swore and turned off the PS3. LOL
I still haven't played any of the HD collection. I'm so far behind.
I am really tempted. The custom Gamepad is really cool and it matches my son's Zelda 3DS. LOL. I'll finally be able to play Earthbound too.