Congrats on the first podcast Chris! You lost me when you started talking about COD, but I keep on listening anyway. I remember when Toys R Us had those game cages. Man, what I would have given to go back there!
Congrats on the first podcast Chris! You lost me when you started talking about COD, but I keep on listening anyway. I remember when Toys R Us had those game cages. Man, what I would have given to go back there!
Well, Final Fantasy 6 is my favorite FF game, and second favorite RPG of all time. So I'm gonna be the odd man out and recommend that one. The playstation port of that game sucks though. Loading times are really bad.
I'm sorry to hear about your wife's uncle. I hope you and Link feel better soon. I wouldn't worry about commenting on blogs so much lol.
I never really did get into Bonk. I like the character and all, but the levels just felt uninspired. I want to try those games again someday though. I think it's hilarious when you eat meat and turn into a raging lunatic.
You can rotate pics in Paint. You might be able to do it in Photobucket too. Nice haul though! I got Bioshock Infinite on PC recently. It was free with a gift card I got from Dell. I bought Tactics Ogre a ways back. Despite the vast amounts of praise that game gets, I keep putting it off. It can be intimidating starting something like that.
I wouldn't worry too much. How bad could Sonic Boom be? Although.... judging from Knuckles' new design, I'd say really bad lol. I'm so out of touch with modern Sonic.
Yeah. It's a 2D platformer similar to Mega Man. It's almost like a NES game on crack. There's an achievement for dying 1000 times lol.
Nice man! I wouldn't mind owning that. I'm broke though lol.
I have no idea. I have just been playing through the campaign or instant matches against bots. UT 3 might still have servers up though.
I usually play a pretty diverse range of games at any given time. It helps keep things fresh. Right now I'm playing Unreal Tournament 2k4, GTA Vice City, and NES Open Tournament Golf of all things.