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Ranger1's Comments - Page 49

Think Happy Thoughts, Think Happy Thoughts...

Posted on 01/28/2017 at 08:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh, Blake, we are so fucked over here. I've been humming REM's "It's the End of the WOrld As We Know it (And I Feel FIne)" for the past several months. But hey, National Park Service rangers have gone rogue, so that's something. Actually, as a resident of the State of Maine, we've had Paul LePage for our governor for the past six years, so we kinda already know just how fucked we really are.

Chris Gets The First Platinum Of 2017 And Other Games

Posted on 01/28/2017 at 12:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Congrats on that platinum. I have one total, for a game that was mainly a "wander around Africa and take pictures without getting stomped on or mauled by wild animals while your partner stands around and annoys you" game.

Borderlands and Gaming Cutbacks

Posted on 01/28/2017 at 12:26 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My gaming has cut back a lot. I have so many hobbies that if I concentrate on one, the others get lost. I'm also exercising more. With Beau, I have to - if he doesn't get enough exercise, he gets bored, and then I get no peace. Also, I have at least another ten pounds to go before I hit my weight loss goal. I have lost about two inches off my waist since August, which I'm pretty happy about. I have two more snowshoe races to go this winter (if we ever get enough snow), and I'm hoping to beat my times the first tme I ran them.

Where did everyone go to?

Posted on 01/28/2017 at 12:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've been busy training for my snowshoe races and hanging with the new dog. Also been doing a Photo a Day challenge, which has taken up a lot of my spare time. Plus, any blogging ideas I've had I've been saving for BaD.

Random update 1/5/17 - The first PS4 edition!

Posted on 01/18/2017 at 04:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

So far, I'm keeping up OK. But then, Beau is one of the most adorable dogs I've ever met (yeah, maybe just a wee bit biased).

OK, so quolls are the Aussie equivalent of raccoons. Note to self: cuter from a distance.

Random update 1/5/17 - The first PS4 edition!

Posted on 01/13/2017 at 10:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, endless battles by yourself are boring as fuck. And the AI isn't all that helpful.

LOL, I dunno, I like it, because if I miss a day, I'm posting at the same time as the rest of the people in the US. Gives me an extra day! It's hard to compete with photos of wild kangaroos and cockatoos in people's front yards, though. Kinda like "gee, all my local wildlife is pretty boring!" By the way, I think one of the coolest animals in the world is the quoll. Bilbys are pretty awesome, too.

Random update 1/5/17 - The first PS4 edition!

Posted on 01/11/2017 at 12:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks! I'll add you later when I get a chance to game again.

Oh, cutting out soda is hard! Getting easier, though.

Thanks! Gad you're enjoying them. I posted the list of prompts in my Beau album on Facebook. You should join us, there's no judgement, and if a prompt doesn't do it for you, just skip that day. Interpretation is pretty loose too.

Rangergirl finally joins the current console generation

Posted on 01/07/2017 at 12:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've already played Zestiria and finished it on the PS3. I don't feel the need to buy it for the PS4 :D

Random update 1/5/17 - The first PS4 edition!

Posted on 01/06/2017 at 10:57 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I haven't seen Rogue One yet. And Ip Man is on Netflix, I know it's not the same as the big screen, but better than nothing.

Random update 1/5/17 - The first PS4 edition!

Posted on 01/06/2017 at 10:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Awesome, I'll read that as soon as I'm done replying here.

It's both easier and harder working in a grocery store in respect to diet. I've been bringing a water bottle full of water from home, and when I finish that, I buy a bottle of water there. I'd drink the tap water, but the town water is so heavily chlorinated that it's like drinking swimming pool water. When you can taste the chlorine in a fountain Coke, it's bad! And there's all the goodies to tempt - chips, chocolate, donuts (we get the leftover bakery items at the end of the night, I've been really good and not taking any!). But there's also fresh produce and the hot food bar, which does have some healthy choices.

I wonder how I fit everything in! I could get more done if I spent less time on the internet, but then again, it's how I stay in touch with family and friends all over the world. Less Netflix probably wouldn't hurt, either, but sometimes that's what I need to unwind after a day of dealing with people. The dog has made it impossible to skip the exercise, which is good, and I can frequently take photos while we're out and about. Gaming is in fits and starts. It also helps that I'm only part time at the market.

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