You know if there was more robot battles I would have probably liked it more.
You know if there was more robot battles I would have probably liked it more.
Hot damn you found a complete PS2 game at GameStop? Major props! The local spots tend to gut them and the discs disappear behind the counter. I don't think I've touched a Romance game since I bought the NES cart years ago at a thrift store. Awesome pickup!
Oh I loved my Walkman. Making mixtapes, playing the guessing game with fast forward and rewind (my Walkman had a switch that flipped the heads so I didn't have to flip the tape), and playing the math game of which songs can fit on a tape was fun.
I decided against a Josh figure right now because he's hurt and I wanted to focus on the players I liked. Eventually I'll get his figure, and when I do I have enough chick Lego figs to put around him. LOL.
Haha yeah I noticed that, I blame the NHL.
Android vs iOS! I actually thought about going with a Nexus 5 because it was half the price, and it would be my bridge phone until Apple releases their bigger iPhones, but I do love the walled garden, no hassles all the iDevices play nice, and whenever I want to send something somewhere it's either Airdrop or I use Pushbullet. It doesn't have the splintered versions of their OS, and the companies that release their own phones tend to either take their time with OS upgrades, or add stuff I don't need.
I have my Android tablet and I do all the customizing on that, and the iPhone does everything I need it to do. Galaxy phones are really nice, and I'm hoping Apple comes through with their mini tablet phones.
Those are really nice phones. The watch is cool but I don't think it's something I could see myself using.
I wish I could have stayed with the 4s because I had no problems with it, but it was tied to Verizon so it was a forced upgrade for me.
When I start hitting 2048 consistantly, I'm going to start shooting for 4096. I was looking through some Instagram pics and some folks go nuts on this game.
Oh you'll like In-N-Out, but make sure to wear Orange for the Anaheim Ducks and their #PaintItOrange campaign.
Backloggery all you do is hit add to multiplayer and then when you get to that bubble thing just hit save changes. I added you to mine, and the insane Mount Backlog.
My Angels did their usual let's get a good lead only to have the bullpen blow it. It would be nice to have a decent bullpen...what was up with the Yankees pitcher having pine tar on his neck? Worst yet it was his second time being caught.
Yup. I think it's the series is going the full 7. Everything goes crazy once the playoffs start.
I think baby chihuahua might give pandas a run for their money. As for the game, I have no idea