Final Fantasy XII. That is all.
Final Fantasy XII. That is all.
I have no interest in creating when I get around to Mario Maker so this doesn't bother me. All I want to do is play other levels.
I tried that DBZ 3DS game, but wasn't a fan. Every character was too similar for a roster that small and the assist characters were often too hard to unlock. Also you would love Puar.
Preordered Twilight Princess immediately too. Been wanting to replay that game anyways. Final Fantasy VII is the only FF I've actually finished (though I REALLY need to get back to X) and I just liked it alright. Interested in the remake though.
It is indeed Other M.
The way you describe it seems more like you personally just got bored. I think if 3 or Reach was your first experience you'd still enjoy it
I don't care so much if a franchise is milked so long as it stays good. See Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, etc.
I only rented Judgement, but as someone who was very satisfied with all three Gears titles, it bored me to tears. Something about the enemy encounters were just not as fun as 1-3.
There absolutely is variation on the enemies, it's one of Bungie's Halo's best parts. 2 and 3 replaced Elites with Brutes, they integrate vehicles in a seemless way no other FPS really does, the Flood makes an appearance in all of the trilogy. It's not even close to the same three over and over. I was playing 3 the other day and was impressed at how varied the battlefields and enemy placement is in this game. If you got bored with it, there's nothing wrong with that, but what you're saying is simply not true.