I was in a few EB games stores on the weekend talking with the managers I know. On average the PS4 is preordering 4:1 against the XB1. Most of the managers and employees were quite willing to share their hatred of Microsoft's device.
I was in a few EB games stores on the weekend talking with the managers I know. On average the PS4 is preordering 4:1 against the XB1. Most of the managers and employees were quite willing to share their hatred of Microsoft's device.
Not if my life depended on it. The 360 is the last M$ console that will ever enter my abode. I'm not even buying any more games for the 360. If I'm looking for a game and all the store has is the Xbox version I will do without.
As to why, I've only purchased their last two consoles because there were games on them that I wanted to play or my son wanted to play.
There also wasn't any of their current bullshit in regards to, well you know, no point in getting into it. My hatred of Microsoft as a company goes back many years.
As a 28 year IT Vet I've seen them step on many great companies. By having the best product? By giving people what they want? Nope. By telling lies about other companies and spreading FUD.
They've used their huge marketing department to acquire mindshare and convinced corporate executives that they are the only game in town. Yes, if you dump company X we'll give you all this software for free. But is it free. Like a pusher your first taste may be free but then you pay and pay and pay, far beyond what it would have cost you to ignore them. Anyway, I could write a book on the subject but I'll just leave it at that.
When I threw the switch and Pikachu's cheeks lit up it was hilarious.
I can't remember all the Genesis titles. I basically went through everything they had, threw back any sports titles and took the rest. One of them was Dynamite Headdy and another was Sonic 3.
Yep, I thought so too. I was in a pissy mood by the time I found it. My wife was laughing at me after we got it because I was grinning like the Cheshire cat that swallowed the canary, or in this case Pikachu.
I was checking around after I bought it and someone was asking around $1200 for a new one. Used ones seem to sell for around 60 or 70 bucks. I just think it's really frikkin' cool.
No, I'm not sure I've ever seen one before. As soon as I realized what it was I clutched it to my chest and started growling at people around me. LOL. OK, not really but I got the thing and 8 games for 5 bucks. Now that's nuts!
Chrono Trigger blew me away. After getting used to all the new fangled graphics of modern games I started playing it and totally forgot I was playing a 16 bit RPG within the first few hours. I've played it several times now and I love it more every time.
Ooh, the twilight zone. :) and thanks.