I'm hoping so. If I have 3DS codes via PM I'll provide mine so we can plunder and pilage each other. LOL
I'm hoping so. If I have 3DS codes via PM I'll provide mine so we can plunder and pilage each other. LOL
I take my 3DS to my parents place, when I get my hair cut, the dentist or whatever. I'm long past caring what other people think.
BTW I want that Layton game. It's the only one I haven't played.
Oh yeah it's from Naughty Dog, I'd forgotten about that. That reviewer should defo lose his job then. LOL
Mob Mentality? If they were in a movie they'd all have pitchforks and torches.
I actually cannot fathom why people get emotional about games they don't own and haven't played. It's not like someone made crude remarks about their mother or kicked the dog.
You've got to remember that gaming is now infested with a shitload of 12 year olds and that's where a lot of this is coming from.
My favourite has always been when they write "user reviews" for games that haven't been released yet or claim that they finished all 3 versions of a multi-plat game and proceed to let us know what was wrong with the two versions they don't actually own systems for.
I sell one, you buy one. Yep, seems about right. LOL
I wouldn't last 5 minutes going door to door. The thought of it alone makes me feel ill.
You had a raccoon for a landlord. That's pretty frikkin' weird. Being a ranger I thought you'd know which mushrooms to stay away from. :)
Give me your friend code for when you do. That's is of course if we haven't laid each others towns to waste by then. :D
Yep, it's a pain that I have to wait until after 10:00 AM on Sunday to pick it up. It's probably available on the eShop at midnight but who wants to do that.