I really want Dead Rising 3.. So so bad..
I really want Dead Rising 3.. So so bad..
I still play my 360 every so often. Honestly though, I've just been trying to catch up on the PS3 exclusives that I have missed this gen.
Thanks Snee!
Maybe if we read this original comment backwards it will make more sense...?
Whoa.. I'm considered to be a 'hipster' for loving Dark Souls/Demon's Souls..
I was unaware that KiD is by Suda 51...
I must play it!
Also.. Courtney loved Lollipop Chainsaw. She watched me play and played it herself!
Gooooood picks man!
Carry onward now, lol!
If you lived closer to me than Mississippi, I'd fix your A/C up for ya... Bummer..
Honestly, I watched Silent Hill Revelations and I didn't think it was nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be.
Phil Fish is a hipster bitch.. Fuck 'im