This is awesome! My plastic guitar with buttons wouldn't do this version any justice.
This is awesome! My plastic guitar with buttons wouldn't do this version any justice.
You can never have too much of cats playing instruments. That should be required on all YouTube vids.
Such a cool film! I happened to stumble on a copy last year on DVD. One of my better DVD pickups.
I have the second Lunar Silver Story. It was a throw in when Game Crazy (don't miss that store, but one of the employees was really good). had a buy 2 get 1 free. I do remember seeing the original at Target for $20 on clearance and passed. I should have picked it up.
I never tried the others. Here's to hoping I run into them in the a decent price.
A Kiki Chick with sneakers, playing in what looks like a Mega Man like world? I would play this. You're really selling me on Taito Legends
Dang it Nintendo, you'd have more of my money if you would just add this to the 3DS.
Jealous of Wii U owners for having this ability. Maybe at some point after I get a PS4, I would buy a Wii U.
Dang I just checked my Backloggery if I had a copy of Taito Legends. No dice, but after watching the video, that vine swinging would drive me nuts. Any game that has a part where I have to jump at a rope usually ends up in a character dying and a few choice cuss words.
I think the Rom community should do a mod on this game and bring in the Tarzan yell.
So this "outside" you speak of, where is the TV?
Those are some nice pictures. I'm really digging the Wistera picture. Really pretty yet mysterious. You're wondering what is past the left side of the plant.
Awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing.
Wait if there is a Galaga machine, all bets are off with the kids. If you don't make eye contact, they are not there.
That's how these temporary venues get you, get in free $100000 for a bottle of water. Did Sony or Microsoft have a booth or a lounge set up?
That looks like a pretty good lineup of acts to check out during the Final Four.
I had Florida winning one of my brackets but they got bounced. I'm not a fan of UConn because of the Sweet Sixteen game where Kimba Walker had a flop against us and that turned the tide. I root against them, but I'm not a fan of Kentucky either, but I don't hate them as Go Wildcats!
Dirk. I wasn't a fan of his until he beat the Heat. I now respect him and his game. As for the Lakers....LOLOLOL. This season has been fun especially for the bandwagon fans here in SoCal (during the Shaq/Kobe days car flags were everywhere. People were "die hard" fans etc. Now you don't see the purple and gold anywhere)