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Vice's Assistant's Comments - Page 52

I game because I'm a gamer: To impress other people? Not so much!

Posted on 09/08/2013 at 08:04 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Sorry about that, I wrote that in a rush before I had to go to work. Though in a way, that paradox holds true. I mean think about how prevalent gaming is in society, yet careers are not highly advised and any mainstream press is really limited beyond any controversy. The shirts are just more like commercials and free press for games, if you really think about it.

I game because I'm a gamer: To impress other people? Not so much!

Posted on 09/07/2013 at 09:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I love gaming. I play handhelds out on trips and I wear video game t-shirts. I don't care if it makes me a "hipster" or not, shirts like that just describe me. However, there are so many aspects that I really don't like. The childish arguments, the crazy idol worship of game companies, figures, games etc..., the ridiculous back lashes to healthy criticism. There's just so much that just drains that love out of me so quickly which is why I'm rather sheepish at times to say I'm a gamer. I don't care to much about mainstream acceptance when at times there's so much negative crap we have to sift throw in our video game communities.

Keiji Inafune announces Not Mega Man

Posted on 09/02/2013 at 07:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm really divided on the game. On one hand its looks like the natural progression of Megaman. Reguardless of Inafune working at Capcom or not, this type of game would have probably been made if Mega Man was still in good favor at the company. The other hand... the game really reminds me New Super Mario Bros.: it doesn't really try to innovate and just more of comfort food. That's not what Mega Man needs. Then again, its hard what to say Mega Man needs with the series splintered off into numerous directions but comfort food isn't what need to keep the series alive. Worst this could actually make the actual Mega Man's return less likely. If Mighty No.9 is really sucessful, Capcom could put actual Mega Man projects on hold or just cancel them. I mean if they don't view Mega Man a financial sucess and someone can give the same thing, then they could just cancel those projects and free up the money and dev time to other things. I'm really hope I'm wrong on that because Mighty No. 9 looks really fun to play. I just hope its the start of newer and fresher things for Inafune  and possibly Mega Man and not another new sub-sub franchise to run into the ground (minus the Mega Man name).

Pre-PAX Reviews

Posted on 08/30/2013 at 04:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't why I don't have Remastered yet, I love the cartoon and played the NES game. I kind of want to get it but the PC verison has the orinigal NES verison (I think its a separate game though). Nice review Cary and have fun at PAX!

Women Making Games For Woman? INSANITY!

Posted on 08/29/2013 at 06:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

This might be a bit random to say but you know what would be a good game for a Silicon Sisters to try? An adventure game based (or even spoofing) those rom-com crime dramas like Castle and the like. Its weird: most of the those shows are geared towards women and many shows like CSI and Law and Order have adventure video games out there. However most of those games are really subpar and have crappy UIs. If they could make a game that had a really good presentation plus good game play elements, I'm sure it could both reach their target demographic as well as a broader audience. That seemed to work for Taletell's The Walking Dead. Sorry just a random thought.

I really enjoyed the read. I think gaming needs more companies like this that aren't afraid to go out and invite more people into gaming. My only hope is that they don't fall into some of the horrible pratfalls that other game companies do when they have tried similar things. I remember how hard EA used to go after the Black/Urban demographics in the early 2000's with alot of their games like The Urbs and Def Jam Vendetta. Most were never really good and sometimes wobbled the line of being racist or just to harshly stereotyping. I'm a Black guy and while I loved Def Jam Vendetta but man does it ever have many of its moments where its just too much and is almost racist. Brenda seems to acknowledge this fear and I just wish her and her company well.

I'm Really Not Excited About The Vita Being "The Indie Platform"

Posted on 08/25/2013 at 08:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Considering I really only use my Vita as a web browser and where I can watch You Tube in legit HD, I'm with you there. Plus is the only think that's keeping me from saying this was kind of a waste. I love the little thing but there's not a lot of indies I want to play. The only two I can think of is Yagadratsu/The Legend of Raven and Guacamelee. Minecraft on Vita sounds cool...but I'm sure it will be really gimped versus the PC verison. Really, the only good thing for Vita to come out of Gamescom was price cuts, especially on the memory cards.

Homelessrooks' Horror Showcase and Reveiw!

Posted on 08/23/2013 at 06:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm kind of too afraid to watch. I've watched a lot of Asian horror movies (Ringu, The Eye, and another one I forget but it was the inspiration for Premonition) and they are great nightmare fuel to a scarey cat like me.

The Fighters of Dragon's Crown

Posted on 08/23/2013 at 06:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My favorite is the elf because I like elf characters. However, she's actually not "normally" design. If you really look at the character, she has sizable legs which encompass half of her body. Its weird when you see it because she looks normal in motion but standing still, its pretty visible.

The Fighters of Dragon's Crown

Posted on 08/23/2013 at 06:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's seriously the best reason for the Amazon's design I've ever heard. Surprised Katamani hasn't said something like that.

Community Poll #27

Posted on 08/23/2013 at 01:30 AM | Filed Under Blogs

This is going to sound really weird but once I had dream about playing a fighting game (I think it was a fighting game) called Shaquelle O'Nell BBQ RXR. Seriously and sad part is I woke up before I had a chance to pay it.

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