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Machocruz's Comments - Page 52

Finished Up Scholar Of The First Sin

Posted on 05/06/2015 at 06:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hard to choose between RE HD and Shovel Knight. Most people around here have probably played RE1 in some form, so I'd go for Shovel Knight. Especially the PS4 or Xbone versions, which have special additions.

A Fifth of Gaming

Posted on 05/05/2015 at 11:02 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I must have played a different version of Skyrim. The hud was fairly elegant, but the menu system was a disaster, the antithesis of streamlined, with information spread among several stacked windows when a couple would have sufficed (Morrowind did it on one screen. So much for the myth of interfaces improving over time), a lot of navigation required when there didn't need to be. There is a reason that UI mods were among the first and most popular.

The opening was ok, but it betrays what the series stands for, which is player control and freedom as soon as possible. All the previous games' introductory segments put you in control from the beginning.  Can we have one old game series that doesn't fall prey to the Hollywood influence and other misguided tendencies of modern games?

But let me contradict myself on that Hollywood/modern stance and say that I really want to play GTA5.  It's really interesting what they've done with the game in terms of releases. It's like an evolving creature, each form better and more interesting than the last.  And still technically ahead of its time, and competition.

Uncharted, Bulletstorm and Oracle of Ages

Posted on 05/05/2015 at 10:42 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Bulletsponginess is not legit difficulty, meaning challenging. Saints Row 3 does the same thing, and that game doesn't require any skill, anyone can finish it easily. All it does is make the guns feel weak and not fun to use.  Health bloat is the enemy of good shooter design. What developers who understand this do in their games is make the enemies more numerous and/or aggressive, while maintaining the damage relationship between them and your guns. The developers of Killing Floor 2 spoke to this once, and their games have some of the best weapon feedback around.

Yooka-Laylee Kickstarter Already Past Goal

Posted on 05/02/2015 at 11:37 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Hate collectathon platformers. Good on them for bringing a different kind of concept to crowd funding though, serving an audience.

My Bit on the Death of Silent Hills

Posted on 04/29/2015 at 02:54 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Another new-gen bummer. Either a game turns out to be shit, gets pushed back, gets stuck in limbo, or gets cancelled. Hopefully Batman and Metal Gear will deliver.  I think Witcher 3 will be a lot of hot air, with Bloodborne being the ARPG du jour for this year.

Not feeling like blogging

Posted on 04/28/2015 at 01:01 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I've noticed a withering participation at this site since my arrival (when 1up was in its last days). Look over at your Followers.  At least 80% of the people on there don't post or comment. That's not a criticism, but an observation. Entropy, man.

Oh hai! (Shoot it,it's a zombie! Oh,it's Broken!)

Posted on 04/03/2015 at 10:55 AM | Filed Under Blogs

There was an article that revealed that a judge for some game awards ceremony confessed that he would actively vote against Bayonetta 2 if it were nominated, on the grounds of sexism. You can put out one of the most polished, sharp, put together games of the year, and these frauds, these glorified WordMess bloggers will not only dismiss it, but make an effort to make sure it doesn't receive its proper due. It didn't have the right 'message,' unlike Dragon Age.

In other news: yep, Revelations 2 is a surprise hit and the best thing done with Resident Evil since 4.  Is Capcom learning?

1up's story: A prelude into our present!

Posted on 04/03/2015 at 10:48 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Hey, you're alive. Welcome back.

I was right there when political lines were being toed.  It was the beginning of the end for 1up, a last desperate shot at relevance. Plus, Mackey has shit taste in games. Fucker thought Dishonored, a game where the guards cant even see 3 feet above eye level, was a superior stealth game to Thief 1/2. lmao.

Bloodborne Impressions

Posted on 03/27/2015 at 03:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The God/voice in the back of my head says "Blake should stop bitching and git gud."

Game of the Generation: Mass Effect 2

Posted on 03/17/2015 at 10:54 PM | Filed Under Feature

Well, I like the character designs too. Art is sometimes enough to get me into a game. Plus, while I would have preferred for them to double down on the RPG complexity instead of streamlining, I like when sequels do different things.

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