I'd completely forgotten about Sadness and I didn't know there was supposed to be a new Bonk which I would have definitely been interested in. I've never heard of the Sky Soldier game.
Thanks for the info. Good blog.
That's the thing about apes, they are very curious creatures. LOL
I think I agree with you to tell the truth. Since the DS and the PSP I've played more JRPGs on handheld than ever before. In fact with the 3DS I'm now playing my RPGs in handheld mode more than ever.
Microsoft is going to have to do something of Megaton proportions in order to impress me this time. That would probably include announcing a whole pile of JRPGs that are actually good and not available on any other system.
I'm sure that will happen at the same time a flock of pigs flies over my house.
Yep, I have to admit I enjoy the baddies. Oh and I also watched the campy Adam West TV series religiously but then that was more of a comedy than anything else.
I managed to download the demo but never gave it any time. Maybe I'll correct that at some point. So many 3DS RPGs, so little time.
I grew up reading DC comics but that was a long time ago. My favourite comics were The Legion of Super Heroes and Metal Men. I read my share of Superman too.
It may be blasphemy but I was never a Batman fan. :O I only like super heroes who actually have super powers and Batman is just an ordinary guy in a bat suit who uses gadgets. It's the same reason I never liked Green Arrow, and I never saw the point in Aquaman.
I used to like Martian Manhunter a lot too.
It's funny that the vinyl market is in a resurgence right now even as CDs are dying off. The guys who relieved me of half my 40 year record collection wouldn't even look at my 800 CDs. Apparently there's no market for them but used vinyl flies out the door.
In retrospect I should have sold the vinyl myself.
Jade Empire was a preorder for me and I actually really enjoyed it but never finished the game.
I just listed it for sale on Amazon along with almost half my Xbox collection. It brought back some memories that's for sure.