Its good that everything is OK with that family member. I understand that uneasiness you get from things like that all too well. Nice sketches too.
Its good that everything is OK with that family member. I understand that uneasiness you get from things like that all too well. Nice sketches too.
While I remember the first two adds, I love the Tutankamen one the most. I love Tut's smirk.
I'm so stoked over this game and another one called Chaos code being published by Arc Systems Works. I like interesting 2D fighters and this one looks really good. Gamespot had a good import preview over the game last year that worth checking out if you have the time.
Good work Angelo. I've kind of said my piece about this on the BA of Mirror's Edge. I sincerlly wish we could have more discussions over this, really discussions. Not one where it quickly devolves into groupthink or a meme picture battle. We can talk about important issues like this, race, LGBT issues, or other important issues with out the crap. But its so rarely seen, I doubt anyone knows what said discussion looks like.
This my first BA I've ever listened to and I really like it. I've always wanted to play Mirror's Edge because I love the demo. Hell, I remember I really good LPB level that people made that mimic the demo really well before it got pulled. I guess I got caught up with fighting games to even give the game a shot. Considering how few fighters are out this year its a perfect oppourity to give it a try.
Going off topic abit to Sarkeesian, I understand why the quote would make rangergirl mad. Most of my female friends on PSN I met in some fighting game which is hard genre to get into for anyone. Many of them play on a high tier. So the idea that making a game easier would attract more of a female demographic is really bewildering. Its like those "girl" theme Lego sets: why can't a girl just play with normal Legos? Making them pink doesn't make them more attractive to girls. I haven't watched any Sarkeesian's videos but I do read a lot of about gender problems in video games. I like learning about things like that and part of that comes from the fact that my major in college focused a lot on that. I'm not a perfect person, and like you guys said nothing will ever be perfect, but I do think we need to stop pulling from the same tropes over and over again with minor degrees of differences. Besides belitting people, we're not evolving the median beyond what's known. I hope I'm not sounding white knight-ish (and sorry if I am, I'm kind of in a rush before I go to work!) and sorry for going off track. Again this was a really good episode and I can't wait for the next one, hopefully with some actual playthrough thoughts!
I hate the new cartoon. Its an overly complicated too me and also features too much gross out humor for Pac man. Also I hate Pac-Man new redesign. I like the old one better.
Happy Belated Birthday! I've always wanted to go to NYC but I've never gone. Been in NY but that was to ski at a resort. MVC2 is so much fun, if you need someone to spar with let me know. I've started getting back into the game myself. Also nice music selections. Early Weezer are pretty awesome compared to their later stuff.
Say Whaaat?! So when you go to the stables, you don't have to pay to essentally make a room?! Dang. Now I'm definately leaning towards buying a Vita copy too.
It depends on the genre and even then it depends on how its handled. I love my over the top fighters but I wouldn't mind trying a realistic one.