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Machocruz's Comments - Page 53

Nintendo Subscription Service, Going Mobile. About Time or Beginning of the End.

Posted on 03/17/2015 at 10:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

"Nintendo is redefining the platform from being a hardware box you place in your home to being the massive servers in DeMA. Where does Nintendo’s platform want to go? It wants to go everywhere it can."

Game of the Generation: Mass Effect 2

Posted on 03/17/2015 at 11:45 AM | Filed Under Feature

Think I'll finally get this during the next Steam sale. I was going to wait until I do a 100% playthrough of ME1 so I can transfer the data, but I don't feel like finishing it a third time, so I'll just deal with what I have saved, which is about 85% of all the quests in the game.

Nintendo is Trolling GamerGate

Posted on 03/14/2015 at 03:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Adam Baldwin is not related to Alec, and is a veteran character actor who has been in films and TV regularly since the early 80s. Hardly washed up or a has been.

'Tis your duty to tap dat Revelations 2 bootaye!

Posted on 03/10/2015 at 01:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm playing Rev 1 currently, and the campaign sucks ass. No atmosphere, flat lighting, lame new characters. And they force you to play the campaign to unlock Raid mode stages. GTFO

Rev 2 is much better in every respect. Better setting, more atmospheric lighting, more dangerous enemies,Barry, zombies, no scanning bullshit,

Still, I think it's time to retire the RE4 paradigm of over-the-shoulder shooting gallery. It's rote. RE4 is now older than RE1 was when RE4 came out.  There have to be other solutions for horror, besides the binary of action game or adventure game.

Metal Gear Solid V: PP - The One, True AAA GoTY for 2015. You know why?

Posted on 03/09/2015 at 02:46 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Um yes, a lot of RPGs have utility spells. The spell selection is tiny and not very interesting to me. The whole spell game is not as developed as something like BG2 or even Dragon's Dogma. This is a limitation of being faithful to the books I imagine

Since acts are just seperate sections of the world and story, I'd say each planet you went to in KOTOR was like a different act.   I guess it's technically unconventional, but it never stood out to me as something important.

Yes, you have some depth to the combat, but I wasn't attacking that (my comment was reflecting BG2's wealth of depth, not TWitchers lack of it). Those options are still the standard fantasy RPG set of Melee, Magic, Potions. And your interactions are limited to what you can do in most ARPGs.  The Witcher does solid fundamentals with some unusual emphasis on one of them (potions), and that's fine. But imagine if they or any other RPG developer took a Hitman-like approach with numerous ways of killing things based on a constantly shifting environment, or if you could mess with enemies like you could mess with guards in MGS2 and on? That would be outside of the box for fantasy RPGs.

Yeah, Kojima is an undisciplined writer. Why he thought Meryl getting married should be any part of the plot is beyond me. Think he watches too many Hollywood blockbusters like ID4, where every character has to have their colorful life story wedged in there.It's garbage. MGS4 was half great, half misfire, so PP could flame out too. But I'm rooting for it because, frankly, most AAA games  these days don't really offer interesting challenges, especially open world games, and you know that at least the boss fights in MGS5 will keep on your toes and be unlike anything else out there. Combine that with unique  ideas, style, top notch production values, and a developed narrative, everything gamers ...I'm going to call bullshit if some plain old shooter or action adventure game gets more GoTY props. The can't make an excuse that it's low budget, no story, not polished, not accessible, too niche, not open world, too short, too Japanese, etc.

Metal Gear Solid V: PP - The One, True AAA GoTY for 2015. You know why?

Posted on 03/08/2015 at 04:35 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm thinking of dungeon design, spell selection/spell casting, combat, character customization, structure, RPG features. They don't push themselves in these areas. It's all pretty straightforward and what you expect in 2015. That's not exactly a flaw, and TW isn't alone. Mainstream fantasy RPGs have settled into a very limited model of how things are done, imo. It's very rare for a AAA RPG to introduce a new or interesting system, or an in depth one (like Baldur's Gate 2's spell list and mage battles)

And again, Kojima and co. are just on a different level of attention detail and out of the box thinking. You can tie flotation devices to people and animals and have them whisked away to your base, and somehow it doesn't seem that bizarre, and it's not just humorous, it's a major gameplay feature. There is nothing comparable in RPGs since Planescape:Torment. Well, maybe Divinity:OS.  Why does Big Boss hurl unconscious guards 10 feet away instead of just laying them down like in normal stealth games? It makes no sense in conventional terms. But it's funny, it can be used as part of your gameplay strategy, and it adds some unique flavor to the character. In conventional games, you don't get those unorthodox touches, for better or worse. You don't get Psycho Fucking Mantis reading your memory card.

Metal Gear Solid V: PP - The One, True AAA GoTY for 2015. You know why?

Posted on 03/07/2015 at 02:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I didn't forget. Depends how similar it will be to the first two. They were conventional and mechanically weak. Unless they make some drastic changes besides just making the land mass bigger, it's not even in the running afaic. Now if it has Dark Souls or Dragon's Dogma level combat, then maybe. Plus, like I said, Kojima and his crew are veterans who have been operating at the top of the game for decades. I don't think CDProjekt REd are going to leap past them on their 3rd game.

Doing Everything But Actually Playing The Damn Games

Posted on 03/05/2015 at 02:52 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh god owning a handheld on top of everything else would be the end of me. Last handheld game I played was Castlevania: Order or Ecclesia. In a way, it's fortunate that Igavanias seem to be a thing of the past. On the other hand, no more Igavanias :(

Doing Everything But Actually Playing The Damn Games

Posted on 03/05/2015 at 02:48 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Drives me nuts when I'm watching someone play and they don't see a passage way or item that is close to them.

Doing Everything But Actually Playing The Damn Games

Posted on 03/04/2015 at 09:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You still play more than me. Maybe I just need to accept that's who I am and what I'm into.

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