I think the one thing that is driving me away from this game is the lack of Single Player. Concept wise the game sounds interesting but I'm going to hold back a bit.
I think the one thing that is driving me away from this game is the lack of Single Player. Concept wise the game sounds interesting but I'm going to hold back a bit.
I need to restart True Detective from the beginning. I watched parts of the first episode, and then caught pieces here and there of the others. Thank goodness for HBO Go.
I really didn't appreciate Crash much during the Original Playstation's hayday, but I started to enjoy the games when I was buying up a bunch of Playstation games. They're a lot of fun, and I do like the behind the back perspective.
Hot damn, props for making it to work after that.
Hot damn, pink chicken, dry chicken, lights being the wrong versions, and a game only working on the original handheld, that would have made me use a ton of cuss words.
I'm in the mood for Twizzlers now.
Sounds like a full plate right now. The only thing I know about Waco is while in High School, I wanted to go to Baylor, but mom's put an end to that. Something about moving to the middle of the country wasn't a good idea (she hated the idea that I wanted to go to Miami as well).
Can't go wrong with a new and exciting adventure in life right?
I need to check out House of Cards. It sounds like it would be a good replacement for the one political show I loved (Boss) but got cancelled.
GTA IV was the one GTA game I didn't finish and I lost interest in. I didn't like, and it didn't seem fun especially with all those dates. The concept was interesting in San Andreas, but got boring fast.
I told my cousin who loved the movie, that game feels short (I beat it on a weekend) and currently at 70% completion. I'd wait a bit for a sale, but the game is fun.
Hot damn, I haven't heard this song in forever. I just went to check on my iTunes because I bought his Greatest Hits awhile back and it isn't on there. Looks like iTunes is about to gett another $1 from me.