Tomb Raider Anniversary is the one TR game I didn't play. I figured I already played the original, why play it again. I do want to own a copy and give the new controls a try.
Tomb Raider Anniversary is the one TR game I didn't play. I figured I already played the original, why play it again. I do want to own a copy and give the new controls a try.
You did go there, and I dig cats playing with red 360 controllers.
I really need to check the blogs more often. I'll swing by when I finish looking through all these BaD entries (lots of interesting stuff)
Thanks for the info! These comics sound interesting especially if they take place during the Trilogy.
I think during early 90s it was all NES, Game Gear and a bit of the Genesis. Loved Road Rash. My brother and I would spend a ton of time on that game.
I'm late with my answer but I will go with Good & Evil.
I think you should start an Okami collection. This is a nice slipcase for the Wii game by the way.
I thought about this game, but I think I ultimately passed on it. I don't know why that happened but somewhere I lost the hype.
Interesting read about St. Valentine. I guess celebrating his act of marrying folks turned into give out candy and flowers.
I don't know if I like this option of getting part of a game and then paying for the rest. It sounds too much like a glorified demo. I do wish Nintendo brough in more of their library to the eShop on the 3DS. There are quite a few NES games I'd buy.
As for Wii U owners it sounds good, because they're getting more content for their consoles.
I haven't heard the name Sky Shark in a long time. Man your blogs are bringing up a lot of fun gaming memories.