I remember reading a lot of good things about Tactics Ogre, though I unfortunately missed out on playing it due to not owing a PSP. Looked like a lot of fun though.
I remember reading a lot of good things about Tactics Ogre, though I unfortunately missed out on playing it due to not owing a PSP. Looked like a lot of fun though.
Looks like a fun game.
I'm hoping the little reveal made at E3 is just a precursor of how big the world is in the new game, because that just looked fantastic.
I played Skyward Sword for a bunch of hours at a time, and while I had some frequent calibration issues I didn't have any major problems with it. As far as the stuff with Fi/Navi goes, I didn't find them all that annoying, though that could be because I'm weird like that.
Since I don't own a Vita, I'm gonna go ahead and recommend the 3DS and either Fire Emblem or Pokemon.
A Nacho Libre game? Sometimes I wonder just how many licensed games are out there based on things I wouldn't even consider making a game out of.
Pretty cool looking, especially some of those special attacks.
I remember reading somewhere that a person was offended that the Mario Kart 8 character roster wasn't diverse enough for their liking, disregarding the fact that Miis could be used to cover that perceived flaw.
It's annoying to me that there's people out there now that just go out and look for something to be offended by, just for the sake of creating an unnecessary arguement or to get attention.
I'm still wondering why DQX still hasn't been released over here, does Square-Enix just not want my money? Same goes for their 3DS port of DQVII, oh well.
I'm holding out hope for a Star Fox/F-Zero announcement. Either that or something Metroid-related.