You know, I never play Mega Man Powered Up. Had been meaning to do it, but the game just slipped off my radar after a while. I hear it a fantastic game though. Wasn't the thata the game with two extra Robot Masters-- Time Man and Oil Man?
You know, I never play Mega Man Powered Up. Had been meaning to do it, but the game just slipped off my radar after a while. I hear it a fantastic game though. Wasn't the thata the game with two extra Robot Masters-- Time Man and Oil Man?
Yeah, Mega Man 1 can be a little rough around the edges, especially if you played the later games in the series before this one. And yeah, I think Mega Man 3 and 4 was where some of the Robot Masters' weaknesses were getting a little ambiguous.
I'm really happy to know this game finally came together.
Also, really dig the music from Home Movies. I love that show. Really wish Netflix would bring it back.
What? No wall of text this time? LOL! Always good to hear from you though :-)
Woah! Niiiiice!
I pretty much knew from the get-go that I wasn't interested in the xbox One. But what surprises me is that I'm not really interested in the PS4 either. I just don't feel like there's really anything out there on either system I really want.
The system I'm really looking forward to getting is the Wii U. Which is quite ironic because I wasn't always interested in that system. I wanted to see what games the PS4 would have when it come out, but it's mostly just more of the same. The Wii U actually has fun games that appeal to me more.
Just say'n.
Ah, Hallmark movies. Starring C-list actors with a D-list romantic storyline made to appeal to that woman in her mid 30s' who never quite grew beyond middle school.
Gotta love it.
I blame the Snorks.
Haa haaa haaa!! Dude, I be thinking the same thing on those [thankfully] rare occasions when I get stuck behind some slowpoke digging for change at the register.
Awesome Nick! As it so happes, the wife will be getting me a Wii U for our anniversary. I look forward to playing PixlCross when it's ready.