I never get excited by E3. Er, not that I have anything against people who "do" get excited for it!
I never get excited by E3. Er, not that I have anything against people who "do" get excited for it!
Eventually I think it'll "pop",Nick. But yeah, it's kind of vexing to have to wait it out in the meantime!
Been wanting to try Half-minute hero. I'll get around to it someday!
It's the way to a much more peaceful existence,mate. lol.
It would be much nicer if you bought the game for "39.99" then could get the DLC at your leisure. But when they charge "59.99" do you really want to pay "even more"?? Maybe some people are okay with it and they're allowed to be. But this is why I wait for sales and price cuts on amazon! Because of gaming's "modern business tactics" I rarely buy anything at full price anymore.
Don't know much about Child Of Light but I'll look it up,Cary! The movements of characters were improved in later FF games though you can't sprint like an Olympian runner in them. It's more of a brisk jog!
Dead Space 3 fucked up in a lot of ways,Blake. Isaac is supposed to be an engineer using tools as make-shift weapons but in DS 3 there seems to be more of a sense you are a "space marine".
Also developers often forget hordes of monsters are far less terrifying than fewer strategically placed monsters which have unpredictable AI patterns.
But yeah, I'm pretty psyched about Evil Within myself! They also recently teased a female character and I hope she's playable just like Sebastian is.
I remember being chased by the invincible necromorph in Dead Space 1. I panicked so bad it took me awhile to figure out I needed to use interactive control panels or movable objects in the environment against him to win each time. A lot of dying going on. lol.
You talking about the regenerators,Trans? Maybe not but for me those "things" were the worst! Just thinking about em makes me shiver. Quite a few of the boss fights in RE 4 put me on edge too. Too bad RE 5 & RE 6 lost that "special something" RE 4 possessed! I had a bit of fun with them but they failed to capture the rustic/ murky/menacing atmosphere RE 4 had in spades.
The biggest gripe I have with some of these "hit indie darlings" if they're also quite short,Matt. Is there a reason to go through the first Slender game again? Even if it mixed up the 8 pages you have to collect you're still doing the same thing. (Which is limited to finding them all) Amnesia? It's scary but also feels a tad short and restricting. (Though some of the mods for it are nice)
It's okay for these games to exist but the high praise for them confuses me. Yeah, they're good in spots but rarely "great". That and they rarely truly manage to scare me personally whereas many of the other games I have mentioned "did" scare me. (Including the first RE and SH games)