lol. I think I figured it out. You can see the the one where she is holding the camera?
lol. I think I figured it out. You can see the the one where she is holding the camera?
I really do not get it, I am using the link from my Google Plus account like I use to. I will get it figured out.
I have no clue. They are there right now.
I downloaded the new Fatal Frame it is awesome so far.
I thought it was going to be on disk. I need a bigger HDD for my Wii U now. Ugh! I have waited to long for another console version of Fatal Frame.
That is true. I just do not understand why they do not think retro gaming is a viable option for selling,at least at my gamestops. Do not get me wrong I lime the people that work at my gamestop stores where I shop, I just do not like the corporate part.
Could be. I will double check it.
I thought about getting the steam box or what ever it is called, but since for some reason I have been unable to get back into my steam account, I have just forgot about it.
I have really enjoyed Uncharted more than I thought I would. I played Golden Abyss on the Vita before I ever played any of the console games, so I had to get all three of the Uncharted games because I wanted to play them now.
Pardon my language, but Gamestop tends to bunghole people on game buys. I chose to go to my local retro gamestore to do some trading for things I want.