yeah, it's criminal how much SSDs cost despite the lack of moving parts, i'll probably get a hybrid.
yeah, it's criminal how much SSDs cost despite the lack of moving parts, i'll probably get a hybrid.
Happy Jesus Birthday everyone.
Happy Birthday and stuff.
My Birthdays coming this Saturday, we're getting so old
When did gaming get so complicated? You used to be able to put in the game and play it but now you have to wait 10 minutes to upload and another 10 to install was bad enough now this DRM BS. Well, i'm glad i'm a Nintendo fan and PC convert.
Cheater, using Color Games I've actually dug out my GBC it works fine. Ah, memories...
I have a Pocket somewhere.
Damn, I'm glad i jumped at get TvC, I already have MvC2 but MvC3 was a disappointed so i'm not too bothered.
Congrats, I'm getting that one too so it goes with the other one. I may need to buy the game twice because the 3DS bundle may not come with the Zelda chest.
Only a few Hours in myself, i need to crack on. I like it but there's a but i feel held back somewhat, it's hard to explain.
Well yeah, i posted an update