I need to finish Life is Strange 2 before getting into Tell My Why.
I need to finish Life is Strange 2 before getting into Tell My Why.
I need to finish this on my SNES Mini.
If it helps, I didn't actually buy Destroy All Humans! yet.
They're all fighting over a rare Ms. Pac Man cabinet made with gold-encrusted diamonds or whatever. I'm not a jeweler, but the point is it's a damn pretty and expensive cabinet.
It's a friendly tournament but very passionately fought. That cabinet is worth some money.
I got past No Russian in CoD MW 2: Remaster the REmake: The Movie: The Game: Electric Shootaloo and it was ... odd playing that level in 2020 for the first time.
Fall Guys would be more fun if I didn't DQ after round two or three every time.
Yeah that's why I said it is not "uncomfortably" fan servicey.
The documentary and book series seems really interesting. I do have some issues with the production values from what I see in the trailer, but the subject is fascinating and worth a look.
You just cost me money cause I read this and remembered I'd like to buy Destroy All Humans! remake.
I own God of War III and God of War 2018 and neither really grabbed me ... but I wonder if I played from the beginning if I'd have a deeper appreciation.
I do like claymation.
Love me some Jackbox games.
For your birthday, you get a fighting game with all your favorite female warriors that's really cute, has tight controls, and not uncomfortably fan servicey. Think that chibi style KOF game you reviewed for the Neo Geo handheld but any fighters you want.
I watched a documentary all about the guy who made this and them digging the game up in New Mexico to prove the legend true and it was weirdly inspiring. He seemed to move on from it ok.
Reese's Pieces are some of my least favorite candies but Reese's cups are some of my most favorite.