Nice, thanks for the reminder. I bought some PSN credit last week just so I can try out the Fatal Frame games.
Nice, thanks for the reminder. I bought some PSN credit last week just so I can try out the Fatal Frame games.
I'm usually not big on Collector's Edition, but I do like that Aliens set because of the patches, because it's something you don't really see packaged with games.
I do like how you and your friend make time to play a game or two in person and not online, even if it's just a couple of hours a week.
I'm actually okay with console debates as long as it doesn't turn into a fanboy fight. Its interesting to read people's thoughts on their consoles, and for the few folks who pick up both on their respective launch dates I'd like to read their opinions.
For the next gen consoles I'm going to follow what I did for this current gen: get a Playstation a couple of months after it's release, and then pick up an X-Box towards the end of it's life cycle.
There's no point for me to buy a console on it's launch day especially if there really isn't must play games available. The one feature I'm looking forward to the most is Remote Play with the Vita.
Yet another reason to hate Walmart.
I could tolerate Walmart if they actually took customer service seriouslly.
45 for 3 sounds crazy but I understand if you don't play them anymore, and you get three solid games and $100 in credit. Plus some folks will enjoy the games you traded in so the circle of video game life continues.
I decided to wait on Black Flag because of Mount Backlog and I just started playing Lego Marvel. Good stuff man!
Interesting topic. I think the last trading card game I played was a baseball game when I was younger. I never got into more recent stuff. I can say I've tried different genres, and there were some games I don't care for, but I also found some games I really enjoyed.
I agree that it's good to leave your comfort zone every once in a while, and try something new.
Yeah it is, and the crazy part is that is just to the Playstation. I have the classic plastic in the closet.
Man I am sorry. I couldn't deal with that place every week.
Nice, can't wait to read it your thoughts about the game!