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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 593

Random update 6-29-15

Posted on 06/29/2015 at 07:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

There was a bird in our yard last weekend that was really hurt and couldn't fly, so we took it to a bird sanctuary and they said it will survive and they'll be able to release it out in the wild soon.  It was also a protected speciies in Texas, too.  Some kind of hawk.

Also, my review of LEGO Jurassic World is posted.

Finished Arkham Knight, And $5 Hour Tournament Of Legends

Posted on 06/29/2015 at 07:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think I reviewed Tournament of Legends.  It pales in comparison to Soul Calibur, which I thought it was imitating the most.

Puzzle & Dragons is kind of hard.

My Fantasy Life Continues

Posted on 06/29/2015 at 07:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'd better stay away from it then, if it's like Animal Crossing.  I go nuts with Animal Crossing.

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Review

Posted on 06/29/2015 at 07:32 PM | Filed Under Review

Another problem I had with the game is that since you are looking at the touch screen the whole time, you don't get a very good look at the awesome clay graphics on the HD screen.  It's not the best Kirby game in the world, but it's still fun.

Tales from The Bor, bor, bor, bor, booooor. . . derlands.

Posted on 06/29/2015 at 07:33 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Kirby's Dream Collection is TOTALLY worth the price!

Ranking the Batmen

Posted on 06/29/2015 at 07:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm glad you didn't forget LEGO Batman.

Retro Game of the Week: Kirby 64

Posted on 06/27/2015 at 02:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I REVIEWED Kirby 64 for The Dallas Morning News back in the day.  In fact, I even got a tag line on the front page of the technology section for that review.  Those were some great days in my game reviewing 'career'.

Kirby 64 is great and I love the combining abiility gameplay.  You can do some pretty silly things.  Electric and ice turns Kirby into a fridge that shoots food.  Cutter and rock sculpts Kirby into statues of his animal friends from Dream Land 2 and 3.  One of the sililest (and most useless) combos is fire and electricity.  Kirby will rub his head to create static, but he rubs too hard and his head catches on fire and he runs around in a panic!

The only bad thing I can think of about this game are the graphics look horrible.  But then, it was on the N64.

The painter girl's name is Adeline.  Or Ado in the Japanese version.  She was originally a boss in Kirby's Dream Land 3, who imitated the attacks of Paint Roller from Kirby's Adventure.  I'm surprised they never used Adeline in the cartoon.  She's a cute character.

Here's some interesting facts about the game: the very first level and the first level on the last planet are exactly the same, just a different pallete swap.  And if you look at the Shiver Star planet closely in the map screen, it looks like Earth all covered in ice!  One level in this planet is an abandoned shopping mall, and another is a robot factory.  Could Kirby have entered a post-apocolyptic Earth?

You can play Kirby 64 on the Kirby Anniversary Collection on the Wii.  Hopefully someday they'll make another Kirby game that revisits the combining ability aspect, as it was lots of fun in thsi game.  --Cary

Welcome to the Aperture Science Blog!

Posted on 06/27/2015 at 12:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Portal is very short and can be beaten in a few hours.  Portal 2 is a bit longer, but can be beaten in a weekend.  You should try and beat them, I know you can do it!

Welcome to the Aperture Science Blog!

Posted on 06/27/2015 at 12:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have a feeling that if Valve wanted to make a Portal 3, they'd make it as accessible as possible.

Welcome to the Aperture Science Blog!

Posted on 06/26/2015 at 08:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think it's funny that you are referring to it as the LEGO Portal game.  I wonder if that's what it's going to be best known for.

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