Ah, Red Dead Redemption. This is likely my game of the generation. Like you said, it certainly is not without its flaws, but it's one of the only games I've ever truly gotten lost in. I would spend hours just moseying about the various landscapes - exploring the world, instead of partaking in pointless time sinks that litter other Rockstar games. It's a gem - absolutely - and overall just a great game to experience.
You're at the point in the Song of Fire and Ice books when they became more...difficult. It'll be interesting to see how the television show handles the later books as there is a definite change of pace, though the latest does bring things back to a bit more normal keel in my opinion.
it's coming out in both formats.
You could add Etrian Odyssey IV to that list.
I'll be picking up Pikmin, DuckTails Remastered, and possibly Dream Team. I'm stoked for Killer is Dead, but that will likely drop in price in about a month or two (as do all Suda 51 games). Tales of Xillia is also on the radar, but that may be a holiday purchase.
Your last sentence sums up the whole of what is being said. They generate this ill will while thinking they are doing the right thing for their brand. Brand loyaly is a real thing for a lot of people (I don't see how any offense can be taken by your stance on being a "fan" of these companies), and these people make up a company's base of consumers. Offending these folks is dangerous because these aren't the ones you should be worrying about.
I have no idea how Black Manta hasn't made it into Injustice yet. It's a damn atrocity.
As am I. But that's why we write about games. Or something like that.
I thought about that after I posted this, and I think you're right. They're referring to this as an "epilogue" to the future series. This would be a good way to make some quick cash. Sell a small game that bridges that series to the next PS4 series.