Yeah this was just a legend when I was young but as I got older I saw the screens and footage.
I always wondered why it keeps taking Nintendo so long to bring back many of these franchises (or force Hal Lab to do it), I mean they keep the IPs alive but never go beyond cameos. and we only just have Earthbound: Beginnings after decades.
Aha! That two Brother's one was too real! XD
Big Batfan here, I have a Batman pin from when before I was born when the Tim Burton movie was released. It was my mums originally in a mag for the movie.
TAS will always be my Batman. My Batcomic collection might be up to 1000 (more, like 700ish but who's counting), I don't have as much Batgear as I used to but I kept a statue, a toy and some posters.
Cool list
The Spirit, Spider-man 2099, Batman, Nightwing.
Can't think of a 5th, it's hard as I like more non traditional heroes and comicbook characters these days.
It feels like Koonami has been doing some real shit stuff and this is probably what will help bring them further down, I don't want that to happen but they aren't helping themselves.
When My ne desktop is made i'll... try and rub 2 pennys together to get this game
Games and Healthy Friends are all we need.
I don't know what's my favourite area yet, It could be the swamp.
Play it and waste your life.
I probably do but it could be behind a bunch of other tools and I just can't be bothered to to look. Besides, the budget way works just fine.