I'm a lucky human, too. He's a good boy.
I'm a lucky human, too. He's a good boy.
Yes, finish Sleeping Dogs! If I could do it, you can do it! And here is a pic of sleeping Beau for incentive.
Oh, Beau and I are having great time.
Not all buses have wi-fi. The one that runs from Portland, Maine to Boston does, though. They also show a movie on the trip. I forgot to bring headphones, so I was SOL when it came to being able to hear the movie, though. They also give you free bottles of water and pretzels.
Going to have to keep my eyes open for this one. Is it turn-bsed or action-based?
Your title made me laugh. I have debated playing the Castlevania games several times, but I have a feeling I would get frustrated and rage quit far too early.
Oh, I had plenty of problems at the EB that used to be in the mall in South Portland.
Thanks for creating a gaming site that's a comfortable, welcoming place to hang out. It was awfully nice to have this port to take refuge in when 1up when belly-up.
I should have skipped your Arrow and Supergirl sections. I'm only on season 2 of Arrow and haven't started Supergirl yet.
As for Gamestop, I pretty much stopped shopping there three years ago. I've been in twice since I moved into the cottage, once to try and get a car charger for my 3DS, which they didn't have (or claimed they didn't and tried to sell me some expensive USB charger instead), and once to spend the gift card I got for Christmas last year. I ended up spending most of the card and then passing the remainder on to my nephew. There are some really good independent game stores in the area, and they have better prices and better customer service than Gamestop does.
I am on the fence about buying DQ VII, as I still have my PS1 version and I played through it not all that long ago.
I put in well over 100 hours.