Nice pics! As NightDriver said, it's very Mass Effect-esque, but you can also see a lot of MMO influence.
The Canyon and moon pics are especially delightful.
Nice pics! As NightDriver said, it's very Mass Effect-esque, but you can also see a lot of MMO influence.
The Canyon and moon pics are especially delightful.
Jesus Christ, congratulations. That's really awesome!
First song I immediately thought of Mr Bungle or Stolen Babies, but after that they did like indie folk, blues, and god knows what else. And interesting listen, and I'll definitely be checking out more.
Pretty sure people can do shittier. Like make a 3DS metroid game focused exclusively on combat with no exploration at all.
But agree to disagree. We've been arguing for so long the text has gone fucky.
It is a very flawed story, but it's still the best story in the franchise in my opinion. Firstly, I highly doubt Elena wouldn't let Nate try to save his own brother. She'd look into other methods first maybe, but she's not that fucking heartless. I highly doubt her "no adventure" policy would stay if it endangered someone Nate cares about.
Yeah, that was a dick move. I feel like he was too far into the lie to let go, and off the evidence he has from their childhood honestly believes this is the best thing for Nate. This is what started their lives, this is what they were obsessed with, and he's still stuck there despite everyone else having a chance to move on. Call him a selfish dick all you like, but as far as he's concerned, he was locked in prison for half his life with only one thing keeping him going. That's his life, and he'd honestly be broken without it.
Now, I do actually think the twist is stupid, and that the crimelord dude showing up would have actually made it a better game, especially if Nate and Raith then had to work together. It would have added the sense of danger the story felt like it lacked later on, and there could have been a cool war between Nadine and the Crimelord's (forgot his name) army that would have made an incredible set piece.
But as it stands, I don't think Sam is a terrible person, just a severely broken one.
Okay, Nate also lies to Elena even though he knows full well she'll be on board. Nate knows for a fact Scully will follow him to the ends of the earth and actively exploits it. Nate kills people just to get treasure - even when he doesn't have to as we see in the opening of two. Half the time, Nate is just doing everything he's doing out of a selfish desire to either have a grand adventure or get fucktons of money, regardless of the cost.
I don't think Sam is worse because he lied, especially since he thinks he's doing his brother a favour. Nathan takes like a good couple of hours to even mention Elena is his wife, and barely brings her up. He wants this, and Sam knows it. Even thoguh what he's doing is wrong, he thinks he's doing the right thing by Nathan by giving him an excuse to get some closure on his mom.
Plus he's been in jail for like 20 years. Nathan did a piss poor job trying to find him, especially since Raith could. If you're going to argue about them dicking over anyone, it's Raith, who outside of the scene where he shoots whatshisface in prison, never really does anything else that bad again until he gets sick of Nathan and Sam killing all the guys he hired and constantly getting in the way, not turning back on the multiple times he offered a way out, and Nathan never even considering asking him for help when his brother's life on the line. Fuck I mean I'm sure Raith would have sprung some cash out of his own fortune to help if Sam's lie were true, but Nathan NEVER considers it, because he values the adventure more.
Because he basically does what Nathan does in the last game. Honestly, I'm more annoyed the last game didn't have the balls to kill Sully when there had been so much foreshadowing than I am that Sam didn't receive consequence.
And I mean he was locked away in a cell for ages, and he was doing it for his mother so Nathan kind of understood that and I guess didn't want to lose his brother again.
If you liked the first one, you'll like this. It is a big improvement in most ways.
I have a few problems: Firstly, this is basically another origin story. It starts almost the same way with Lara being injured, having to find camp, having to not freeze to death, having to scavenge for food, and having to fight a deadly animal. Then, like in the first game, all of those elements disappear, and you're free to swim in freezing water with no consequence unless a cutscene says there is.
Secondly, the writing is garbage. The old games won't win any awards either, but at least Lara herself had a sense of humour. I don't need every game to be funny or Joss Whedon style charming, but when your story is this serious and simultaneously B movie-esque, I want something else.
Finally, I want some of that atmosphere back. The original Tomb Raider games were almost survival horror games in some regards. Even playing Tomb Raider Anniversary recently gave me serious Metroid Prime vibes, and I'd love to feel like I'm exploring something new like I did in those games.
But I will agree these games are good. They're fun enough if you're into it, I just don't see why either of them were even considered for GOTY by certain sites.
Why do you hate Sam so much, other than that he appears out of nowhere and was never mentioned until now?
Uncharted has platforming and exploration in th quieter moments, and given that there were more routes to take it was a bit more fun than in past games.
Damn, DJ Shadow is awesome. Will have to look more into him.
I like the Guilty Gear music far mor than the games themselves. They're awesome!
That Xenoblade music was amazing until the vocals started. Was still fun but wasn't expecting it. Those lyrics are pretty cringey. Reminds me of old Linkin Park