There's something to be said for precision daylight bombing runs.
There's something to be said for precision daylight bombing runs.
one of the characters is conflicted about his feelings towards either sex. it's funny to watch it all pan out.
Where is the thief's ring? Is that near Ostrava? If so I may have missed it.
My boy ended up with a Donkey Kong Kart toy the other day out of his Happy Meal. I was happy....it reminded me of my youth, when Mickey D's used to put really cool toys in the Happy Meals.
Like the Thumper toy from the movie Bambi...that little dude was cute, and you could actually pose him
Even the newer 360's go all pear-shaped. I'd bought mine during holiday 2013...and not 3 month's later the discs couldn't be read. I sold the hard drive and controller and said to hell with it. Prior to that, I'd had one red ring on me, and then another stolen in a home burglary.
I wrote off Microsoft after that. =) I may in the future snap up another hard drive and controller and just use my 360 for digital only games....but we shall see!
I think you guys will have a blast with Dead Island...it's definitely geared toward co op!
I bought Catherine when it released a few years back, got stomped early and let the game go....then last year during a PSN sale I picked it back up for 10 bucks. It's definitely on my to-do list.
If I recall correctly, I stopped playing during the Katherine (with a K, mind you, lol) boss climb.
What difficulty are you playing?
I've got a male Royal that I'm going to use.
Call me a wimp if you like lol. I've been following the most commonly suggested run of the game, ie: 1-1, 1-2, 2-1 and I'm currently getting my ass whipped by Cthulu guards in 3-1.
Oh, what I wouldn't give for a shield that blocks magic this early in the game!
Its no sweat...I get stuff mixed up all the time
Hey sharky.....are you thinking perhaps having those who participate write up short, maybe 1-paragraph-long blurbs about the experience they're having thus far? It can all be compiled into a weekly blog...it'll help us all keep each other accountable and invested further in the game