The first couple of seasons of the Digimon cartoon were actually pretty decent. I reviewed a lot of Digimon games back in the day, too.
The first couple of seasons of the Digimon cartoon were actually pretty decent. I reviewed a lot of Digimon games back in the day, too.
Yeah I didni't know about Zelda until I saw the dopey TV commercials. I remember as a kid, everyone was playing Axis and Allies.
Have you tried Pokemon Shuffle yet? It's out and it's free.
I was happy to see The Great Cave Offensive, since it's based on one of me and my brother Jeff's favorite parts of our favorite Kirby game. The Mega Man and Pac-Land stages are also neat, but I really like them for the background music. And yes, Gamer is based on Game & Wario. Do you not have that game? You should get it!
I also thought the Wrecking Crew stage was neat.
Yeah,that save system was definitely a reminant of save systems of the past. It was pretty annoying when I got on an elevator in that game and the game froze up and I had to start over from my last save. That's the only problem I had, though, luckily.
Shantae on the big screen is great.
I was born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon! Rar!
Go ahead and get the Capcom Classics game. You only live once!
Shantae games are great. It's really the perfect example of the kinds of games I like.
If you like DuckTales at all you really should get Remastered.
A company made a set of off-brand Taiko drums, so I bought that so I could have two.