I never played any of the Alone in the Dark games so I have nothing to add here.
Oh brother, I reviewed many a Beyblade game back in the day.
I never played any of the Alone in the Dark games so I have nothing to add here.
Oh brother, I reviewed many a Beyblade game back in the day.
I'm awful at Contra games so I never got this one. WayForward is awesome though. Have you ever tried their Shantae games, DuckTales Remastered, or the Wii version of A Boy and His Blob? Those are my favorites.
Even though I liked my Gamecube slightly better, the PS2 was still a GREAT system. Some of my favorites include Katamari Damacy, Psychonauts, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Taiko Drum Master, etc. My next blog will be a tribute to the original PSX, though.
If Sony would make and release Loco Roco 3, I'd buy a PS4 (or Vita) instantly.
And thanks for telling me about those YouTube fitness videos.
How are you liking Shantae? I loved it.
That would be kind of confusing if you think about it. Not everyone is a gamer.
I'm not in the market for a New 3DS right now, but if Capcom would redo and release Mega Man Legends 3 on the 3DS, I'd buy one instantly.
I played it at PAX Prime and PAX South. I think it'll be good.
Kirby's Dream Land 2 was fantastic! The only two Kirby games that were exclusively on the DS other than Canvas Curse were Kirby Squeak Squard and Kirby Mass Attack. Squeak Squad was more traditional, but even though Mass Attack used the touch screen, it was a brilliant game and you shouldn't pass it up!
You should really play it!
TellTale USED to not make games that were so dark. I miss the days of Sam & Max, Wallace & Gromit, and Tales of Monkey Island.