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GeminiMan78's Comments - Page 66

My First impressions of Dragons Crown

Posted on 08/07/2013 at 09:27 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It was an impossible choice, I been waiting a long time to play both of these games. I will probably try Tales of Xillia tonight.

My First impressions of Dragons Crown

Posted on 08/07/2013 at 09:23 AM | Filed Under Blogs

She is fun, very agile and fast. Funny you should mention her eating her spinach, because food plays into this game kind of like it did in Odin sphere. Your find food mixed in with the gems and gold. Eating will replinish your health and if your health is full it will add to your hp.

My First impressions of Dragons Crown

Posted on 08/07/2013 at 09:16 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah Vanillaware has really outdone themselves with this one.

Dishonored GOTY Edition

Posted on 08/07/2013 at 01:31 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I rented this one on Gamefly and I really liked it. My only issue was a slightly tedious load time if you died. But I do like the GOTY editions, usually worth waiting for.

Blake's Thoughts on Dragon's Crown's Sexism

Posted on 08/05/2013 at 08:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Its cool man, no offense taken and I apologize if my last comment came off a bit abrassive. Video games are one of the fastest evolving forms of media in history so it only makes sense that they are going to face some serious growing pains. I mean since the mid late 90's the issue was that more games were becoming edgier and geared toward a more mature audience. Here in America there is this very backward veiw that animation and video games are for kids, although that has been losing ground. Look at 80 percent of the games for PS3 and 360 and they probably have a mature rating. Not that that  is a good thing, it just more proof that game makers need to think outside of the box. Anyway my point is its just a matter of time before things balence out. People just have to give it time. But you still have T&A in movies, music videos and comics. They are not going to be purged it from videogames anytime soon especially now that it has just become more accepted.

Blake's Thoughts on Dragon's Crown's Sexism

Posted on 08/05/2013 at 09:58 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Point taken. But the numbers and results don't pan out. Most companies these days are pouring through numbers and stats to see who they should be pushing their product towards. So if almost 50% of their clientel is female they are either unaware of this or just don't care. Niether of those makes sense if your trying to make money. As for her opinion, I'm sure most women who went to see the Avengers could not stand having to look at Scarlet Johansen in her skin tight costume, yet I don't recal anyone bitching about it.

Blake's Thoughts on Dragon's Crown's Sexism

Posted on 08/05/2013 at 01:55 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Well to me its kind of like music. There is some truly obnoxious garbage out there that is labeled music and people like it. I don't so I avoid it and don't listen to it. But there is an audience for it whether I like it or not. And yes I will and do talk shit about crap music but I don't go out of my way to bitch about it. If it comes up I'l say something.(And I'm a hypocrite cause I just did,lol.) So my point is if she doesn't like it no one is twisting her arm to buy it. As for influence its kind of a chicken and the egg deal. There are not a lot of games geared toward women because there are not a lot of women playing video games or making them. Therefore there is not a lot of motivation to make games geared toward women, they are trying to turn a profit at the end of the day not make a social statement. Only women can change that. And they can only do that by becoming part of the scene. Standing on the sidelines bitching about is not going to change anything.

Blake's Thoughts on Dragon's Crown's Sexism

Posted on 08/04/2013 at 04:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thing is if you look at a lot of art styles in video game whether it be male, female, animal, robot, there is exageration of proportions. I have a edition of Corel Painter Magazine that even talks about this being a staple of fantasy and sci-fi art. Big bodies and little heads, oversized hands an feet, or the reverse with armor that appears skin tight which would make said persons head too big. Adding this technique for sex appeal is really no different. I think some people just need something to whine about. In the tall list of issues that women should be concerned about in how they fair in the world, this topic seems to be pretty damn trivial.

July 2013 Recap

Posted on 08/04/2013 at 03:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The side missions can be pretty fun and amusing. Not to mention the blue uniques you get on some those missions can be really cool like Moxxi's Rubi pistol or Moxxi's endowment relic. Actually all of the Moxxi items are worth getting. Not to mention its a good way to get some easy exp if your trying to lv up.

July 2013 Recap

Posted on 08/04/2013 at 03:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

For sure, I was already wanting to get the DSXL even after the original 3DS came out. I'm getting old, my DS lite is too small, makes my hands cramp up if I play it too long, plus a bigger screen is always a plus.

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