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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 657

Cary's 2015 Super Bowl Commercial Round Up

Posted on 02/02/2015 at 07:52 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't really hate Katy Perry I guess.  It's hard to hate someone whose halftime show has dancing sharks and happy palm trees and beach balls.  But yeah I don't care much for her poppy bubblegum music.  However I will say that one of my guilty pleasures is 80's music because it reminds me of my childhood, So there you go.

Most people in commercials are overhyped and fake.  But I didn't care about the people.  The commercial could've been nothing but "Hey, here's a big Pac-Man maze!" And I would've been all like, "Yay!"

BaD Wii Review # 2-Electric Boogaloo: Barbie & The Three Musketeers

Posted on 02/02/2015 at 07:49 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I reviewed a Barbie Dreamhouse game on the Wii once.  It was a bunch of multiplayer Barbie themed party games.  I guess it wasn't THAT bad, but it wasn't very good either.

Bonus BaD 2015 #01: I haven’t forgotten

Posted on 02/02/2015 at 07:46 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm not going to do the Blog a Day thing, but I hope you find time to read my blogs anyway!

BaD Wii Review # 1: Anubis II

Posted on 02/01/2015 at 05:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's awesome.  The Wii really did have a lot of bad games like that.  That's why I actually liked the GameCube better, even though the Wii could play GameCube games!

BaD Community Blog Vol. 1

Posted on 02/01/2015 at 05:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Those who know me can probably guess straight away what my favorite game of all time is.  Pac-Man!  Why?  Well it was the first arcade game I ever played and it got me hooked on video games.  I never got tired of playing it and it pretty much defined my childhood and who I am today. That's the short answer, anyway.

PAX South 2015

Posted on 02/01/2015 at 08:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah the Panda is cool, even if she is just a pallete swap of the bear.


Posted on 02/01/2015 at 08:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Saturday night I went to a friend's house for his birthday and we had a party and I played a card game I got at PAX that I'm going to review and it's called Poop: The Game.

I'm going to watch the Super Bowl, too.  I'm going to root for the commercials.  Don't forget about the Puppy Bowl!

BaD #01: More Proof FFXIV is the Final Fantasy We All Want!

Posted on 02/01/2015 at 08:20 AM | Filed Under Blogs

My brother Jeff loved the card game from FF9.  After I was done playing the main game for the day, I'd hand the controller to him and he'd just play the card game.  He got me all the best cards. :)

Pre-BaD Day -1: An Ode to Joystiq and Massively ;_;

Posted on 01/31/2015 at 11:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't think I ever visited those sites, but I hate to see them go anyway.

PAX South 2015

Posted on 01/31/2015 at 03:20 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I know!  I got Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on Wii U really cheap recently, and it had a lot of characters in it that I didn't even know about!  I also liked the Wii U version because you could dress each character in a NIntendo themed costume.  Nina Williams in Princess Zelda's dress was awesome.

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